The Hidden Joys of Temporary Unemployment

Opportunities abound in periods of temporary unemployment. These breaks have hidden treasures that we were meant to unveil. These breaks are a necessary part of our evolution, although employment is obviously better, carrying an even greater set of advantages, such as growth opportunities and financial benefits.

I am about to go into a job interview in 28 minutes with a dream company. Its pay isn’t quite six figures, but working with Olympians and high-profile athletes would be fun. So, I offered to submit a marketing plan, and they accepted my offer. We all gain when we give more than we receive, even if we don’t get the outcome we anticipate. The act of giving itself is a source of joy.

For the marketing plan, I found an AI service that auto-generates a marketing plan for a fee, and then I modified that. The AI-generated marketing plan has a wow factor, and you can access it through a platform called Venture Kit AI. But it looks so excellent that I can’t submit it, as I’m concerned it may threaten the marketing lead. We must heed how our actions make others feel because, in our life reviews, when we depart to the next realm, we’ll feel it all, good or bad.

To keep myself joyful during this state of unemployment, I regularly go on Facebook groups to give free marital advice. I feel joyful posting advice while taking a compassionate view. It also helps me to stay in the present, as I’m often isolated during the day, which, as an introvert, I love. So, by giving marital advice, my mind stays focused on caring for others, which is another way of focusing on God. When we do acts of service for others, we feel joy.

I also make AI music videos every second or third day for a loved one, and it’s a fun escape. However, creative types aren’t paid as much as leaders, so it’s an existential crisis. But creativity is fun, and everyone is essentially creative; we’re all meant to exercise every gift God bestowed on us.

And I figured out how to fund my AU MBA application fee of around $235. I had no one to turn to for the money; so I phoned up a charity that funded a scholarship for me around 20 years ago. I offered to exchange voluntary marketing and web development services for the $235; they are sending the money over tonight. That’s the removal of a significant stressor most of us students face.

On a spiritual front, I’m reading a book about the wisdom a woman received from her angel guide during her near-death experience, where she claims to have visited heaven (and I believe her). One piece of wisdom she reveals is to love everyone and everything, which is my view, too, so I might have watched her near-death experience account, and that could’ve been where I got exposed to that notion. She also says that we are an expression of God, so we should love ourselves, as the angels feel disappointment or sadness when we deny ourselves love. And she says that everyone is fantastic, but we don’t have to like someone to love them. I disagree, as we must love and like everyone; if we knew everyone’s story, we couldn’t help but cherish, like, and love every soul.

If we get straight A’s, have joyous lifelong marriages, express love and cherish our family and friends, achieve fabulous wealth and success, and do beautiful deeds, that’s all ideal. But every dark alley we desperately try to avoid, such as temporary unemployment, can contain gems. Sometimes, those dark alleys appear to teach us beautiful lessons or bring us to where we are meant to be. But the goal is to ensure our actions don’t take others down dark alleys. Still, everything here is a treasure; I believe we are all diamonds in the eyes of God, equally loved by Him, no matter who we are or what we’ve done. We are all connected. We are love, and we are magnificent, eternal souls.