It’s a fascinating and somewhat unbelievably complex study into organizational cultures when one looks at the controversies that have erupted when traditional colleges and universities have tried to change their learning environments from ones that are mainly dependent on live-classroom lectures, the so called “teaching-centered” learning environment, into ones that are less dependent on the… Read more »
About 17 years ago, as my father prepared for retirement, he planned on buying himself a property in the very small community of Penny, BC where he had worked as a station agent for the Canadian National Railway in the 1950s and 60s. Penny is situated between the CN Rail tracks and the Fraser River… Read more »
Another Way to Sustainable Health New Brunswick has just announced ( a 1.8 million dollar prenatal benefit program. Tied to this program are sessions for the expectant mothers in healthy lifestyle and eating habits to help make sure that the baby is born healthy. It is hoped that by concentrating on the prevention of sick… Read more »
On February 4, teachers in several districts of the Alberta region will strike unless their demands for increased funding are met. If this occurs, not only children will suffer, but parents and communities as well. With children out of school, many working parents will have to stay at home until the strike is over. If… Read more »
Last week I commented on a recent court case involving eight members of the Horse Lake reserve who were convicted of numerous charges of sexual abuse against young female relatives. In the process of researching the article, I discovered something about this particular reserve; something that led me to think that perhaps the sexual abuse… Read more »
Indigenous Education Event Thursday January 31, 2002 – 6:00 p.m. @ the Provincial Museum of Alberta Infoline: 428-2064 / E-mail: Athabasca University is launching its new Indigenous Education initiative with the Canadian premiere screening of Yolngu Boy, an Australian film about Indigenous youth, at the Provincial Museum in Edmonton the evening of Thursday, January… Read more »
“Faith that the thing can be done is essential to any great achievement.” –Thomas N. Carruther
University of Alberta’s INTERNATIONAL WEEK January 28 – February 1, 2002 INFO: / Phone: (780) 492-2692 “Living as if the Planet Matters” The 17th annual International Week includes over 50 events examining the many facets of social and ecological sustainability and sustainable development in both local and international contexts. The Week features keynote speakers… Read more »
MONTREAL (CUP) — Members of the McGill University community are speaking out against new Internet technology designed to detect plagiarism in students’ papers, saying that such systems unfairly assume students will attempt to cheat. Web sites like (, a non-profit site that hosts an ever-increasing Internet database of student papers and Internet resources, are… Read more »
I hide behind a carefully constructed façade of a self-achieving, ambitious individual, when inside I am really scared of achieving my goals because I might fail. I hide behind a care-fully constructed façade of a self-confident, my-own-best-friend person, when inside I am only a lonely child. I hide behind the façade of an intelligent and… Read more »