Our Justice System in Canada needs to change to help victims of abuse. I believe we need judges that are better qualified to proceed with the cases of abuse that are brought before them. In the last issue, I discussed a woman whose son had been awarded custody to a father who is currently awaiting… Read more »
Thanks to all of you who have been providing us with such great feedback on The Voice. Please continue providing your opinions, comments and support; any submissions can be sent to tmoore@ausu.org Accepted letters to the editor have not been edited, nor do they necessarily reflect the opinions of The Voice staff, AUSU, or Athabasca… Read more »
Thanks to all of you who have been providing us with such great feedback on The Voice. Please continue providing your opinions, comments and support; any submissions can be sent to tmoore@ausu.org Accepted letters to the editor have not been edited, nor do they necessarily reflect the opinions of The Voice staff, AUSU, or Athabasca… Read more »
This is the final column about Sacred Heart Community School in Regina, Saskatchewan. Brain-based learning and changes to the school resource program increase the students learning skills. Definitely Worth a Second Look! Dramatic changes had taken place to make the learning atmosphere safe and comfortable. Work was also happening to help the students with their… Read more »
A well-known Bible text says, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” Does this mean that if we are good to others, they will be good to us? Unfortunately this is not the case, as has been proven any number of times in my life and most likely yours as well. If that… Read more »
My earliest memories of hockey are those of my uncle hogging the TV set to watch Hockey Night in Canada every time (it seemed to me) that I wanted to watch a show more appropriate to my age. I first remember the theme song reverberating throughout the house when I was about five years old… Read more »
You’re a Thief At least, that’s what the music industry believes. They’ve organized into a group calling themselves the CPCC, or Canadian Private Copying Collective (http://www.cpcc.ca/English/english.html), and have already successfully lobbied the government to change the Copyright Act so that they can claim fees on blank cassette tapes, CD-R/RWs, and removable hard drives. Now they’re… Read more »
Teachers have still not reached an agreement with the Government of Alberta, and are withdrawing many services to students as a result; for example: supervision of field trips, graduation events, concerts, etc. Regardless of how the situation is eventually resolved, it is certain that for many students the effects of this year will have a… Read more »
A continuation from last week’s paper… Women’s magazines gain a significant portion of their advertising revenue from the makers of diet products, and their content is carefully structured to support those who fund them. This is especially true of magazines that focus on beauty and/or fitness. To understand why this situation can lead to magazines… Read more »
WE NEED READER FEEDBACK! Any comments, suggestions, feedback, or submissions may be sent to Tammy Moore, Editor of The Voice at tmoore@ausu.org Many thanks for your writing contributions and support, and I look forward to hearing from you all! AUSU ACADEMIC COMMITTEE The AUSU Academic Committee is looking for new members interested in exploring new… Read more »