
Quote of the Week

“If we would have new knowledge, we must get a whole world of new questions.” –Suzanne Langer


National Council on Ethics in Human Research (NCEHR) Visit – Feb. 6 ALL interested Athabasca University staff and students are invited to attend the NCEHR site visit team’s noon hour presentation on Minimal Risk and Expedited Review Processes. Please respond to Jill Calliou at by Feb 1st, as to whether you will be attending… Read more »

NEWS OF OTHER STUDENTS’ UNIONS – U of A student union seeks more power over student groups

EDMONTON (CUP) — A proposed bylaw that would give the University of Alberta’s student union greater control over the finances of some independent campus student organizations is drawing fire. The student union is proposing the establishment of four committees that would oversee student groups that collect more than half their operating budgets through direct student… Read more »


Title: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (VHS) Performers: Jim Carrey, Jeffrey Tambor, Christine Baranski, Bill Irwin This movie is a disappointment to the entertainment industry and to viewers worldwide. Previews and advertisements depict the movie as an interesting remake of the original Dr. Seuss story, and something that the whole family can enjoy. Instead the… Read more »

Riverboat – continued

The summer following the boat launch escapade on the banks of the Frazer River (see last week’s the Voice), I was once again working for the BC Forest Service at NIFAC. From the beginning of May through the end of August I, along with around twenty coworkers, lived in and worked out of a camp… Read more »

Fed Watch!

Saskatchewan Taking Action Like most provinces, Saskatchewan is dealing with its own problems in the medical department. One of the major problems is staffing. Alberta’s answer is to concentrate on offering better and better incentive plans – in effect, competing harder for the scarce resources. Saskatchewan is taking a different approach, though. Rather than simply… Read more »

Telemarketing: Making it Zen

We’ve all been there. We’re tired, busy, or eating dinner and the phone rings and we rush to get it. Only about half of the time is the person on the other end someone we want to talk to. We know this before we get the phone, but rarely does this stop us. We might… Read more »

From My Perspective – Writing for student newspapers

Much has been written over the past week about Peter Gzowski, “CBC Institution and Canadian Icon” who passed away at age 67 on January 25, 2002 of emphysema. Although I never listened to his CBC radio show, Morningside, I have read many of his articles, and respected his talent as both a writer and broadcaster…. Read more »