
The Foreign Interference Commission – Stage 2

The Foreign Interference Commission concluded its public hearings phase over the Fall, with Stage 2 and then a subsequent Policy Consultation Hearings phase. Stage 2 of the Foreign Interference Commission lasted around 4.5 weeks and featured around 70 witnesses, including current and former Directors, Commissioners, and other leadership officials across different agencies and departments as… Read more »

Want to Make AI Virtual Reality Music Concerts?

I’ve become proficient at making AI-generated music videos. We all can develop AI video skills. Now, it’s time for the next step. I want to make an AI metaverse music concert like Justin Bieber did. So, I’d like to study how to make virtual reality concerts for AI music bands. I know concerts appear on… Read more »

Editorial—It’s Been a Bit!

It’s been a heck of a start to the year so far.  Fun with computers, having to replace a new one almost immediately, and then finding out I couldn’t just move the Voice hard-drive over directly between Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems have been keeping be up at nights.  Fortunately, I’ve got multiple redundancies,… Read more »

Fly on the Wall—Lanterns and Spilled Milk

Picture it. Chicago, 1871, the windy night of Sunday, October 8th.. A little old lady named Catherine O’Leary was milking her cow. In the process of servicing the beast, the cow kicked over a lit oil lantern. Chicago at the time was a booming Midwest town largely of disorganized wooden shanties; soon a fire was… Read more »

Student Sizzle—AU Social Media

Denied funding. A student received an extension for a full-time funded course and was denied funding. Other students say the full-time status of three classes or more needs to be met, and the extension is okay if a new semester isn’t started with the outstanding extension. Other students say different provinces have different rules. Another… Read more »

Policy Consultation Hearings—The Foreign Interference Commission

The Policy Consultation Hearings portion of the Foreign Interference Commission examined the issue of foreign interference (FI), from an academic and industry practitioner lens. The Hearings were made up of 7 roundtable discussions that included over 40 academics and industry practitioners. The purpose of the roundtable discussions was to offer up a high-level nonpartisan discussion… Read more »

Beyond Literary Landscapes—The Craft of Writing

From my early beginnings as a young introvert, the public library has always been a bit of a refuge. Years later, not much has changed, albeit with an additional affinity for endless hours spent scouring second-hand bookstores to add to my ever-growing “to-read” pile. From one bookworm to another, this column will be underscoring and… Read more »

Seasonal Dwellings

The months we live through are not some abstract grid of days and weeks like those represented on a dentist’s or real estate agency’s complimentary calendar. We don’t just move through the seasons, we inhabit them. When I imagine the months of high summer, I think of them as a sort of enchanted, cozy cabin…. Read more »