Posts By: Karl Low

Alek Golijanin

Alek Golijanin is an Athabasca University alum. He has represented Athabasca University at a number of competitions both at the Provincial and International level. Alek’s articles revolve around his passion for learning and innovation, as he summarizes research and presents it in ways that compels readers and continues the tradition of life-long learning, and some of the articles are even inspired by investigative journalism shows like CTV’s W5, CBC’s The Fifth Estate and Marketplace, and CBS’ 60 Minutes.

“Every now and then a man’s mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. 1858.

The Growing Importance of Telephone Numbers in the Digital World, Part II

Shortly after writing about the practice of recycling telephone numbers, “The growing importance of telephone numbers in the digital world”, I reached out to different stakeholders so that I could write a follow up piece.  These stakeholders include privacy commissioners at the provincial and federal level, “the big three” telecom providers, and oversight bodies including… Read more »

The Soldier Boys of the Americas

Almost every “child soldier” story that gets told on the big screen makes it seem that child soldiers are exclusive to Africa, but child soldiers can be found around the globe, including the Americas, and their stories are just as terrifying.  The biggest challenge to telling their stories is that there are a very small… Read more »

The End of Courtroom TV

After more than two decades on TV, both The People’s Court with Judge Marilyn Milian, and Judge Mathis were not renewed for a new season, a result of the changing nature of daytime television, and it brings to end an era of controversial courtroom TV.  Although the quality of courtroom TV shows has somewhat improved… Read more »

My Crazy Life—Cybercrime During COVID-19 Lockdowns

“Nothing about you makes sense,” “You’re like something out of a movie,” and “You’ve lived a million lives, eh,” are all phrases that I have become accustomed to hearing from almost everyone I meet.  Most of the stories I share with people might lead them to believe that I am a tall-tale teller, possibly influenced… Read more »

How do Black Canadians Feel about the Fergus Report?

Ever since the release of The Fergus Report by the Ethics Commissioner, the news talk has been flooded with bylines claiming that Canada’s democracy is devolving and exaggerations about Canada “dying a little”, but with little details on the specifics of this report. The day after the report was released, I went online to hear… Read more »

Peterson versus The Lion King

Not that long ago, I had a conversation with a person from the gym while we were on the treadmill, and the loose nature of the conversation led the person I was talking with to mention how they thought of themselves as somewhat of a “pushover”, how they disliked “letting people walk all over them”,… Read more »

The Importance of Being Direct

Why do so many people find it difficult to be direct with others? Why do so many people prefer to sugar-coat an explanation instead of acknowledging the realities of a situation? Does it have something to do with people being aghast in “cancel culture” hysteria? Or does it have something to do with the deterioration… Read more »