Posts By: Karl Low

Alek Golijanin

Alek Golijanin is an Athabasca University alum. He has represented Athabasca University at a number of competitions both at the Provincial and International level. Alek’s articles revolve around his passion for learning and innovation, as he summarizes research and presents it in ways that compels readers and continues the tradition of life-long learning, and some of the articles are even inspired by investigative journalism shows like CTV’s W5, CBC’s The Fifth Estate and Marketplace, and CBS’ 60 Minutes.

“Every now and then a man’s mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. 1858.

Having Fun with Your Schoolwork and Getting Good Grades

Nobody likes homework.  Sometimes students will avoid doing their homework even though that means that they will have to spend time in detention.  But what if there was a way to make schooling enjoyable and to have fun with your schoolwork? What if the child-like quality of being silly could evolve into humour as learners… Read more »

Dealing With Lawyers

Everyone is likely to interact with lawyers at some point in their life, and those interactions guarantee to be some of the costliest if they are not handled correctly.  It is also one of the professions that is commonly referenced as being full of dishonest interactions.  Lawyers have a reputation for being indirect and for… Read more »

Health In All Policies (HiAP)

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted societies inequities and inequalities, particularly with income and health.  These are challenges that will require new legislation if everyone is going to have a chance at experiencing success in a post-COVID world.  One way to do that might be with an overarching health approach to public policy known as Health… Read more »

Chlorpyrifos—The Latest Pesticide to be Phased Out

This past week I was going through my mail, and I opened a letter from EcoJustice about a new pesticide that was ordered to be phased out in Canada over a three-year period—despite the European Union and United States having already banned it. The pesticide in question is Chlorpyrifos.  When I first read the word,… Read more »

Comedy Specials—Dave Chapelle and Co.

When Dave Chapelle announced that he was back from pop culture isolation and was about to return to comedy, I knew he was going to ruffle some feathers.  As someone who has followed Dave since the Chapelle Show on Comedy Central from around the time I started high school, I was familiar with the nature… Read more »

Mindsets—The Importance of Positivity and Curiosity

How important can having a positive or curious mindset really be? According to Chris Voss, a retired FBI hostage negotiator with over 20 years of experience and who now trains other professionals while also teaching at Harvard, it is critical.  Chris quotes research that has shown that a positive mindset and the positive emotions associated… Read more »

Global Conflict

If you have followed the news over the past 10 years you may have realized a rise in the prevalence of individuals becoming “foreign fighters” and leaving peaceful countries for warzones.  While every individual will have their own personal reasons for ‘volunteering’ to fight in wars, it always starts with an ideology—regardless of which side… Read more »

The Ridiculousness that was the Ottawa Trucker Occupation

In 2020, I watched Netflix’s Tiger King and I thought nothing would surpass that level of real-life ridiculousness, but I was wrong.  I live in Ottawa, and the events that transpired around Parliament Hill with the trucker convoy over the past month rivals any Hollywood comedy.  I say that while recognizing that there were people… Read more »

The 3D Printer Dilemma—Building Untraceable Guns

The debate on guns is a heated one in Canada but the conversation rarely gets beyond the idea of banning guns.  I am not arguing for pro or anti-gun legislation, but I am saying that 3D printers allow criminals to build guns that would otherwise be unavailable for purchase in Canada.  The potential for 3D… Read more »