Every year, people around the world spend over $500 billion on beauty products. We find ourselves living during a time where appearance seems to be everything. The advertisers and marketers want to convince you that their expensive products will make you look younger, but I say save your money. The key to looking younger longer… Read more »
To me, combat sports are the pinnacle of all sports, yet somehow the IOC decided to remove wrestling from the Olympics. In some sports, like basketball and soccer, you will sometimes see players blaming judges when they lose. One thing that irritates me to the core is constant complaining, whether it is in the sports… Read more »
There are around 50 tribes of indigenous peoples across Canada and over 500 federally recognized tribes across The United States of America. While I find all indigenous peoples’ history fascinating, the tribe that sticks out the most to me are the Comanches. The Comanches are a lesser known tribe, known for their ferocity, and during… Read more »
In the world of anthropology, the term “Indigenous” encapsulates much more than the traditional meaning of earliest known inhabitants of an area. It explores the earliest ways of group life, the methods of survival across areas and the interactions with those environments. Mankind’s history is cruel; in the past 150 years we have seen many… Read more »
The word Swami is a title that is awarded to masters and spiritual teachers, and the Sanskrit meaning of the word is “he who is one with his self.” In the early 1970’s a famous Yogi by the name of Swami Rama left a group of American scientists speechless as he proceeded to do the… Read more »
People do not approach situations neutrally. We tend to have our own preconceived beliefs towards life, and those beliefs vary depending onyour life experience. But if you really want to get a better idea of why people are the way they are, for better or for worse, you should start with the social determinants of… Read more »
The ripples of trauma are like the ripples of tsunamis: they both eventually recede, but not without creating long-lasting damage. In humans, these ripples are the lived experiences, particularly the traumatic ones, of our ancestors, and it may have contributed to some of our psychological and behavioral dispositions. Research indicates that trauma can be inherited… Read more »
In elementary school I was taught that we are stuck with the genes we are born with. Since that time, science breakthroughs indicate that my elementary school science teachers may have been wrong and that we have more control over our genes then we were led to believe. This new branch of genetics is called… Read more »
For children who attend urban schools, especially those living in poverty and those that come from diverse cultural backgrounds, having an effective teacher can be a matter of life and death. These children often have no life options for achieving decent lives other than by experiencing success in school. These are the high stakes involved… Read more »
‘Performance-enhancing’ is a term synonymous with cheating, but a recent Athabasca University study focusing on boosting student retention in classrooms indicates that there is a new approach to learning which might truly enhance performance. This approach is called “interleaving”, and it allows for students to better retain and recall information weeks, months, and even years… Read more »