In 2025, Canada is set to reassume the G7 presidency. But the Foreign Interference Commission submitting their findings to members of Parliament on December 31st, 2024, which will likely influence Canada’s G7 priorities. Foreign interference is a problem that troubles democracies around the world, yet Canada happens to be the only country to ever set… Read more »
Non-criminal police interactions may have cost a racialized Canadian the opportunity to pursue employment with the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) as a special constable. The applicant, described as “Middle Eastern” and “Brown” by police officers in general occurrence reports, saw the dispute get escalated to Ontario’s Court of Appeal after the Divisional Court sided… Read more »
Immigrants are continuing to get accepted to Canada despite that there are housing shortages across the country, with many Canadians struggling to find affordable and adequate housing. So many immigrants have no option but overcrowding and living in such tight spaces; nobody should want that for themselves. Immigrants also happen to be taking up jobs… Read more »
Private parking lots and their parking machines are not covered under any bylaws across any of Canada’s biggest cities, and it is creating problems nobody would have imagined could occur, such as the printing of parking passes that short people on time and result in people receiving wrongfully issued parking tickets. Despite that cities have… Read more »
Most Canadians are unlikely to be aware that the penalty for having used a fake university admissions letter is the same penalty for someone using forged identity documents like a fake passport: deportation and a 5-year ban from Canada. That same penalty also applies for misrepresentation that occurs at the application stage, whether or not… Read more »
Canadians have only a few more days to make a written submission about their experiences, observations, and ideas on the matter of foreign interference in Canada’s federal electoral processes and democratic institutions. All submissions received by August 12, 2024, will be read and considered by the Commission, but there are some important things the Commission… Read more »
One year ago, hundreds of international students from India were facing deportation because they had been identified as having the same immigration consultant who submitted bogus admissions letters to obtain study permits for those students. As it turns out, this bogus admissions loophole has been getting exploited by supposed immigration consultants from all around the… Read more »
Society has largely come around to accept the fact that internet activity and search results are being heavily influenced by bots and algorithm curation, reducing organic activity and replacing it with non-organic content focused on the “consumer experience”. Although there is no consensus on the start date of the manipulation, there was a time when… Read more »
Athabasca University is one of the first universities in the world to incorporate AI-powered co-op learning experiences, with Administration (ADMN) 405: – Capstone 2: Application and Integration of Contemporary Business Topics. Having been a learner in the first cohort of ADMN405, then getting invited to contribute to the development of the course, it has allowed… Read more »
Violent extremism, whether it is religiously, politically, or ideologically motivated, has continued to represent a significant threat to the safety and wellbeing of Canadians. It is important to understand that extremism can stem from a range of motivations and personal grievances, driven by hatred and fear, and includes a complex range of threat actors. The… Read more »