Posts By: Karl Low

Chris O'Brien

Chris completed a Bachelor of Engineering at Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1998 and a Master of Business Administration at the University of Toronto in 2005. Since then, he has spent most of his time helping startup enterprises commercialize products in various industries including telecommunications, software, and natural resources. Having recently developed a passion for mathematics, he is currently working on a Bachelor of Science of Applied Mathematics AU, and hopes to pursue graduate studies upon completion.

Chris resides in the Yukon with his wife, two children, and two silky terriers. He is currently working as an engineering manager in the telecommunications industry.

Don’t Blame the Meteorologist—The Math is Grueling!

The words meteorologist and dependable are seldom spoken in the same sentence.  Most of us experience minor forecasting mishaps regularly–it sometimes rains a bit in my neighbourhood when the forecast says, “sun and cloud.”  Other times I bring the raincoat only to find that it rains in parts of the city other than where I… Read more »

You Too Can (and Should) Learn Mathematics

Dr. Goodaire swooped down the stairs of the Auditoria style classroom two wide steps at a time to deliver his first lecture of the morning for a Calculus I class.  It was the first week of September 1992 and this was my first class of a six-year long engineering program at Memorial University. I was… Read more »

You Too Can (and Should) Learn Mathematics

Dr. Goodaire swooped down the stairs of the Auditoria style classroom two wide steps at a time to deliver his first lecture of the morning for a Calculus I class.  It was the first week of September 1992 and this was my first class of a six-year long engineering program at Memorial University. I was… Read more »