Posts By: Debbie Jabbour

Debbie Jabbour

From My Perspective – Pain

Physical pain is part of the human experience, yet it is a highly subjective one. Each person responds differently to a pain stimulus, and one cannot judge the degree of physical pain another is feeling – although it may appear obvious when another person is in pain, understanding the severity of such pain is subject… Read more »

From My Perspective – Strikes, wages and wage parity

Alberta is currently in the second week of a teacher’s strike, involving the majority of public school teachers from Edmonton, rural areas and Calgary (joining next week). The two sides are not budging, teachers want around 20% and government is offering approximately 6%. Bargaining is at an impasse, and the government may order teachers back… Read more »

From My Perspective – The Monarchy

“The king is dead. Long live the king.” When I was young I was very confused by these two sentences. It seemed like they were invoking some sort of a spirit that would bring the dead king back to life, a reincarnation of sorts. I was even more confused when the genders were mixed –… Read more »

From My Perspective – Saying Thanks

Complaining always seems so easy – most of us tend to speak up when we don’t like something, and at times it’s very important that we do so. Some people take this to extremes and seem to do nothing but complain. Fortunately, most of us complain only when necessary, using the process in a constructive… Read more »

From My Perspective – Writing for student newspapers

Much has been written over the past week about Peter Gzowski, “CBC Institution and Canadian Icon” who passed away at age 67 on January 25, 2002 of emphysema. Although I never listened to his CBC radio show, Morningside, I have read many of his articles, and respected his talent as both a writer and broadcaster…. Read more »

From My Perspective – Employment and Ethnicity

Now that I’m in my 4th year of studies, I often browse through employment ads to get an idea of options in the field of psychology. Yesterday, while looking through the Government of Alberta job site I noticed a job entitled, Addictions Counsellor. The position offers counselling for aboriginal inmates serving sentences at the Edmonton… Read more »

From My Perspective – Trust

Trust is the foundation upon which all systems rely in order to function, whether it be trust between a husband and wife, trust between manager and employee, trust among members of an organization, or trust between countries. Ralph Waldo Emerson advised, “trust men and they will be true to you,” and Warren Bennis accurately observes,… Read more »