This article originally appeared April 18, 2008, in issue 1616. They sat and played their game in a bright and busy park; the old men could always be found there when the weather was good. The game changed from time to time, sometimes rummy or crib or euchre, but they liked poker most of all… Read more »
In the last year, a friend of mine got what is likely the cleverest tattoo imaginable; each of his hands, when made into fists, now read respectively ?read? and ?more? so that should need ever be that he give you a pair of black eyes, at least the experience would be educational. In a time… Read more »
A lot of people don’t realize that for many years before I began to write in chalk for pocket change on street corners, and then eventually worked my way up to this gold-plated keyboard, I was an astronaut. I was paid ridiculously huge amounts of money to ride tin cans?commissioned by the government to be… Read more »
When Ontario introduced an additional character to license plates, the new system incorporated a random, four-letter sequence at the start of the plates. During the process of programming a machine to select the sequences of letters to be used, somebody surely saw fit to include a statute that, should any colourful language arise from a… Read more »
Japan is one of those places where anything goes, like public parks inside skyscrapers, used-underwear vending machines, second careers for failed North American bands, and ganguro troupes haunting the streets. The unabashed open-mindedness of the music scene in Japan breeds jealousy in the minds of small-town dwellers and city folk alike on this side of… Read more »
Chances are pretty good you’ve never seen any of these films, but not because they’re terrible; I mean, they are terrible, but That’s not why you haven’t seen them. In fact plenty of wretchedly unwatchable movies are awesome if you give them a chance, but because certain subjects are still considered too dark for mainline… Read more »
They sat and played their game in a bright and busy park; the old men could always be found there when the weather was good. The game changed from time to time, sometimes rummy or crib or euchre, but they liked poker most of all and it was around this game that the most severe… Read more »
History is rife with losers that gave everything they had to their art which, though it immortalized them in the end, never gave anything back during their lifetimes. Among this list rank sad sacks like Pablo Picasso, George Washington Carver, Joseph Mohr, and William Percival Josquin Walcarn Shakespeare III, Esq. There is a similar stigma… Read more »
Now, I’m not normally one to follow video games avidly; I do not own any consoles, hand-held or otherwise, and the only one I ever have had was my dad’s old ColecoVision from when he was a kid. I’m shocked by the way that people can become so utterly engrossed in fantasy worlds like SecondLife,… Read more »
Like a stumbling, flesh-seeking reanimated corpse, zombie chic has chomped its way into our culture to the point of popular comedies like Fido and Shaun of the Dead making box-office millions. Most people would arguably be able to survive a zombie apocalypse based on knowledge they garnered from a movie or show, but what they… Read more »