Posts By: Karl Low

Julie Day

Julie Day is about halfway through everything she has started. The stack of books on her bedside table can attest. She is passionate lover of travel, reading, writing, sarcasm and especially her four incredible and hilarious children. She was a young bride to Logan Day and together, they have shared a wild ride for the past 20 years. As an introverted extrovert, she enjoys home best of all, especially when it’s filled with friends.

The Instant Fix

Scrolling through Instagram one day, I realized that the feed that I so diligently limited to people I really cared about seemed to be shrinking under the volume of ads.  The “gravity defying” sports bra, anti-aging magic cream, fountain of youth elixir, tools for creating the world’s greatest selfie and the list went on. What… Read more »

A Mom’s Life and Rebirth

I awake with a start, groaning inwardly.  The slow, melodic alarm gradually increases its pitch and intensity.  I check my phone.  5:00 A.M.  I can almost feel the icy wind as I curl my toes deeply into the warmth of my bed.  Then, that voice inside me reverberates and I propel myself quickly out of… Read more »