Posts By: Karl Low

Karlee Kapler

Karlee Kapler is a frizzy introvert who is completing her English degree at AU. She adores dogs (so much so that every time she encounters a dog she feels the need to point at it), loves impressionist artists, can’t seem to get enough coffee and definitely isn’t interested in hearing about how carbs make you gain weight. She lives with her husband, two dogs and two cats in Grande Prairie, Alberta and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Karlee works full-time as a Marketing and Recreation Coordinator at a seniors living facility and wishes she had more time to read The New Yorker, watch re-runs of Sex and the City, and work on her charcoal drawings. If she could only study one thing, it would be early 20th century American literature. When she finishes her degree, she hopes to obtain a full-time job either as a writer, editor, in communications, or go on to pursue graduate studies in literature or library and information studies. She also wouldn’t mind working as an archivist or at a museum, as she enjoys history. In the past she has worked as an editorial contributor for both The Waggle and Papercut magazine, and is looking to develop her resume further. Karlee is excited to join the team at The Voice Magazine!

Karl Low

Born and (mostly) raised in Calgary, Karl has been taking courses on and off at AU since 1999. At one point, he changed his major from Computing Science to Computing Science because the new program requirements fit what he’d already taken better. Since then, he switched to English and graduated (w/Great Distinction he likes to add) proving along the way that it is entirely possible to complete an entire AU course within a three week period. If only he had done this at the beginning of the course instead of in the last extension.

This is not something he advises unless you are desperate, masochistic, or, ideally, both.

He is currently the managing editor of The Voice Magazine, where he tries to put his education to use helping other students as they provide content for The Voice

Council Connection

The November AUSU Council meeting began at 6:37 PM, with the entire council in attendance, apart from Councillor Christine Hudder, as she was called into work. The approval of the November 21, 2019 meeting agenda was unanimous, with the proposition to discuss item nine on student aid position policy.  All were in favor to move… Read more »

Council Connection—October Meeting

The October 17th council meeting was called to order at 6:34 PM.  President Brandon Simmons was not in attendance initially as he was flying home from business in Toronto.  The meeting attendees were informed that hewould try to call in around 7 PM.  With no outstanding action items, the meeting promptly moved forward to discuss… Read more »

Council Connection

The AUSU meeting on September 19, 2019 began a minute or two after 6:30pm but proceeded in a swift manner. Although the meeting wasn’t longer than an hour, there was plenty of new information shared and inspiration to initiate change . Councillors Darcie Fleming, Amanda Lipinski, and Josh Ryan were noted as absent with regrets,… Read more »

A Sinister Cycle

Who taught you to be so negative?  Where did you learn to say, “You can’t, you will look like an idiot, don’t even bother”? I ask this of myself frequently.  Time and time again, I let a potential job opportunity slip away, or watch the shadows change on my wall, the night easing into morning… Read more »

Editors Behaving Badly – A Lesson in Knowing Your Worth

Many of us at AU are, or were, beginners in our fields of study. Whether your dream is to be a freelance writer, a registered nurse, an anthropology professor, or a marketing manager—we start somewhere. And sometimes we get taken advantage of by people in higher positions. To prove my skills, the editor of a… Read more »