The post-secondary education profile of new Canadians WINNIPEG (CUP) — Immigrants new to Canada are highly educated and prefer ?real-world? disciplines like engineering and business administration. They also differ greatly from native-born Canadians in their approaches to post-secondary education. Data pulled from the 2006 Census revealed that between 2001 and 2006, 700,000 immigrants came to… Read more »
WINNIPEG (CUP) — Many students are forced to reduce their course loads to get involved with their university, to earn money to pay for their education or for medical reasons. But when they do, Canada Student Loans is often the largest barrier they face. Students who switch to part-time status, or drop out altogether, quickly… Read more »
WINNIPEG (CUP) ? Environmentally concerned students from across the Prairies gathered at the University of Saskatchewan for the region’s first Sustainable Campuses Conference, hosted by the Sierra Youth Coalition, to shine a light on how students can influence climate change. ?Fundamentally, we have to look at climate change as a human rights issue,? said Rosa… Read more »
WINNIPEG (CUP) – One of Canada’s most talked-about elections ended with a groundbreaking 37-seat majority for the Saskatchewan Party, ending the NDP’s 16-year reign in the province. The win could spell big changes for post-secondary education. The Saskatchewan Party ran on a platform of change, promising ?new ideas? for families, health-care and environmental issues. The… Read more »
WINNIPEG (CUP) ? Canada is pumping out science graduates just as fast as they can be employed, leading some observers to wonder if our universities are doing enough to promote the sciences. Bonnie Schmidt, president of Let’s Talk Science, a national science literacy program, thinks that the federal government isn’t doing enough to promote young… Read more »