There are lots of nifty little tricks you can make use of to help get your memory muscles working for you, and two of the easiest are “acronyms” and “acrostics”. Acronyms are combinations of letters, each being a cue to a particular idea or word. We see them all the time, used humourously and not,… Read more »
“Freedom to read can never be taken for granted. Even in Canada, a free country by world standards, books and magazines are banned at the border. Books are removed from the shelves in Canadian libraries, schools and bookstores every day. Free speech on the Internet is under attack. Few of these stories make headlines, but… Read more »
The FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting is a not-for profit Canada-wide group of volunteers advocating Canadian content in radio and television broadcasting, the film industry, and to fight for a strong CBC. They act in a watchdog role, on public policy initiatives, and in research activities directed toward their priorities. They depend on individual donations to… Read more »
Since its earliest days the film industry has translated works of literature, fictional and not, to film; everything from fantasies to biographies have been tackled in a variety of ways. What has not been common is the translation of music albums to film. Until the 1970s, musical films had been mainly Broadway adaptations, yet a… Read more »
Let’s face it, studying can be a pain on the netherregions of the human body that normally only come into contact with comfy chair cushions. The AU library provides the handy service of sending books out to you as a distance student, which can make life much simpler and convenient for the time-constrained. I love… Read more »
Right now you may be working on your undergraduate degree, or looking to begin one, and not necessarily thinking about what you’re going to do when you have that well-deserved sheepskin in your mitts. Rather than simply jumping into the role of working wageslave, or perhaps while you’re doing that, why not consider adding a… Read more »
As an Athabasca University student, you are well aware of distance education, its convenience, and its value. AU is not alone in offering distance education. More and more, other schools are offering distance programs and individual courses to students throughout Canada and the world. The difficulty for the student is finding the schools and the… Read more »
Published on January 15, 2003 [v11 i03], Feminotzi explores the precarious middle ground inhabited by the modern, equality-seeking woman who is uninterested in the politically motivated micro-management of language, society and lifestyle which is advocated by some modern feminists. I’m not a feminist (at least not in the more negative sense that word has taken… Read more »
Sometimes it’s like Christmas Day when you get a course package; all those shiny, new books just waiting for you to dig in to them. But did you know that many of the course texts used by AU courses also have companion websites that include study guides and materials, links to other pertinent sites, course… Read more »
If you’re like many of the rest of us, your cupboards and storage areas are full of empty jars. Whenever the original contents are gone, we clean the jars out and put them away thinking we’ll find a use for them “one of these days”. The jars pile up until there are more jars than… Read more »