My somewhat socialistic sensibilities, and my sensibilities as a human being, become easily offended by those who would measure the worth of a person by the amount of money that person makes, by what university a person got their degree from, and by the number we label the intelligence quotient. Man cannot be measured by… Read more »
In the last century, the human race has made stunning scientific advances. One of the newest, most controversial of these is genetic engineering. It is an awesome power, but one that humanity is not mature enough to possess. Morally and medically, human cloning is too risky, and the human race too prone to selfishness, for… Read more »
Publisher: New International Publications, 2000 CDN $23.07 from Unlike many photo books of its type, this pictorial journey through Che’s life is very expansive, covering his life from birth until his death, with only his teenage years being sparsely covered. The wealth of images is stunning in its broad coverage and it reveals much… Read more »
I don’t know about you, but I am not a fan of those conversations that start off with “So, tell me about yourself.” There is something very crippling about that statement, something that stops the tongue and freezes your brain. I think it’s because, though we may be used to categorising things, we are not… Read more »