Elvis Costello once said that ?radio was a sound salvation,? but I’m not certain he anticipated what some people would end up doing with music?and music-related things?as their victims. Sound files, and pictures, and words, oh my! 100 Worst Cover Songs I’m not even going to attempt to describe this for you. Enjoy the horror… Read more »
Sometimes it just beats all what human beings spend their time making, doing, being, and sharing with others. The limitless capacity of the human mind is stunning. Highway Hi-Fi It’s almost impossible to believe someone actually created that. Can you imagine the skips if you hit a pothole? Where’s Willy? The Willy in this case… Read more »
We do an incredible amount of things to our bodies, or at them, or with them, or put into them. Sometimes those things are humorous and harmless, sometimes they aren’t. Sometimes they are pragmatic and necessary; and sometimes they’re just cultural motivations based on religion or prowess or aesthetics. The body is our permanent home… Read more »
We are compelled by our very natures to certain terrible habits that we cannot avoid–eating, sleeping, that sort of stuff. Filthy, but what can ya do? This week we have some treats; food, and food for the soul. Hobo Soup This reminds me of those classic translation troubles English-speaking companies have when they try to… Read more »
Art, like beauty, may be in the eye of the beholder, but there is no denying that what follows are some truly nifty fruits of the creative seed. Synesthetic Bubblegum Cards With five packs to choose from (so far), these digital sweets are a treat for the eyes. Sit back and watch them transform and… Read more »
I love movies of all kinds; old, new, Bond, horror, historical fiction, genre films, art house films–all of it. It can be an extremely enjoyable experience to see a story come to life before you. Posters One of the more interesting things surrounding the making of films can sometimes be the advertising; specifically, movie posters…. Read more »
It’s harvest time and Thanksgiving and Halloween approach, so thoughts of many a soul turn to bringing in the crops and raking in the sugar on the 31st. The latter may just be a treat, an extra, but the basic truth of the matter is that if we don’t eat, we don’t live. Food might… Read more »
One of the great capacities of the human creature is the expansiveness of our imaginations; not only what we invent with our ceaseless ocean of creativity, but also what uses we put those inventions to. Toys are by no means free from imaginative use; and, in the case of LEGO, it seems that there is… Read more »
Lost In Translation: Pride and Prejudice x 3 Whenever a popular novel hits the shelves, it’s almost certain that a film version will follow. And it’s equally certain to give rise to a debate: which was better, the film or the book? While I am not a big fan of film remakes in general, there… Read more »
You gotta get there, right? You might be getting there by foot, air, rail, water, or road, but you’re getting there . . . or maybe you’re just playing at it. World’s Largest Railway Model This makes me want to set up my own choo-choos. Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have choo-choos!… Read more »