The first anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon is rapidly approaching, and with it the emotions of horror and anger that raged through my body are rekindled. The events of September 11, 2001 shockingly reminded us of our own mortality as individuals and as a nation, and we bonded… Read more »
On Friday, July 12th the Ontario Superior Court of Justice set a precedent by ruling that provinces are violating the constitutional rights of same-sex couples by refusing to issue marriage licenses. As a young gay male that actively participates in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (GLBT) community here in Calgary, I reviewed the details of… Read more »
I am a survivor of emotional, physical, sexual, and spiritual abuse. As a young child, I was sexually abused by another male in the private school that I attended. Afraid of being rejected by my friends, parents, and other family members, I did not tell anyone about the incident for more than 3 years. Those… Read more »
A well-known Bible text says, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” Does this mean that if we are good to others, they will be good to us? Unfortunately this is not the case, as has been proven any number of times in my life and most likely yours as well. If that… Read more »
West Jet Airlines officials are still unsure if the federal government will provide air marshals to police their flights, despite the fact that they have been informed of a travelers security surcharge of $12 that comes into effect April 1st. Transport Canada has already assigned air marshals to Air Canada flights while other airlines have… Read more »
“My government is the world’s number one purveyor of violence.” Dr. Martin Luther King It is the privilege of this writer to have been assigned by our Editor to write an article introducing a new Columnist for The Voice. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Thane Heins, and wish him the best… Read more »
The teacher strike has been the subject of news for weeks, and it seems that there will be no compromise between the Alberta government and teachers. Alberta Learning Minister Lyle Oberg has said that he will legislate teachers back to work if the strike jeopardizes the learning of students. Who is right in this controversy?… Read more »
Debt has become a major concern for almost every person in today’s society, which has become a culture that depends on credit to survive. There are many businesses and organizations that provide debt management services, charging a fee to clients already in debt. The key to managing debt is to avoid panic, and to take… Read more »
In the light of the pending teacher strike, former Athabasca University student Mark Gueffroy is advocating for a strike of post-secondary students demanding that institutes of higher learning lower tuition fees. Mr. Gueffroy says, “The price of a post-secondary education has become ridiculous, while a degree is becoming mandatory to obtain a position that is… Read more »
Title: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (VHS) Performers: Jim Carrey, Jeffrey Tambor, Christine Baranski, Bill Irwin This movie is a disappointment to the entertainment industry and to viewers worldwide. Previews and advertisements depict the movie as an interesting remake of the original Dr. Seuss story, and something that the whole family can enjoy. Instead the… Read more »