Posts By: Wanda Waterman

Wanda Waterman

Wanda Waterman is a poet, spoken word artist, blogger, cultural journalist, and digital nomad. She’s been writing regularly for The Voice Magazine since 2004, not long after she began studying psychology at Athabasca. Her poetry has been published in Descant, The Talking Leaves, Chizine, Our Times, The Best of Tigertail, and Pottersfield Portfolio and her articles in Design is Political, Rawckus Magazine, Coastal Life, The New Internationalist, This Magazine, and in her blog, The Mindful Bard. She grew up in Nova Scotia, but after having lived in New Hampshire and North Africa she’s now settled in Montreal.

Voix du Maghreb

Aux mains qui tournent dans l?air Aux pieds noyés dans le sommeil de la mer Je te sens monter en moi Avec tes mystères qui crèvent les yeux Avec ta terre humide Qui m?a appris le langage de tes oliviers et de tes rades Je porte en toi La main de l?enfant Au trait du… Read more »

The Mindful Bard – A Painter of Feelings

Album: The Changing Lights Artist: Stacey Kent Vous êtes, chère Stacey Kent, une chanteuse de l?âme, un peintre des sentiments. Raconter une histoire, saisir une émotion, une humeur, l?exprimer au plus juste et la partager avec votre public, comme une confidence, voilà ce qui vous fait vibrer. French Minister Of Culture, Christine Alabanel, in her… Read more »

Voix du Maghreb

Liberté ma douceur, pour chanter tes refrains Aux recoins de ton feu, j?ai fait le pied de grue Dans ma solitude tu m?as tendu les mains En clamant l?oraison de mon âme éperdue Je t?offre liberté l?écrin de mon amour J?ai plaisir a humer ta délicieuse haleine Nul ne fermera les paupières de ton jour… Read more »

Mindful Bard – Hannah Arendt

Film: Hannah Arendt Director: Margarethe von Trotta Genre: Historical Drama The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil. Hannah Arendt Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom. Hannah Arendt As Hannah Arendt observes portions of the trial of Adolf Eichmann… Read more »

Maghreb Voices – Tunisian Days: Traditional Home Health II

“Ethnobotany, as a research field of science, has been widely used for the documentation of indigenous knowledge on the use of plants and for providing an inventory of useful plants from local flora . . . Plants that are used for traditional herbal medicine in different countries are an important part of these studies. However,… Read more »

Gregor’s Bed – Get Animated

Film Shorts: Various, Get Animated Producers: National Film Board of Canada “What I love most about animation is, it’s a team sport, and everything we do is about pure imagination.” ~Jeffrey Katzenberg “My respect for animators and animation directors has gone way, way up and it is just not something you can phone in.” ~Gore… Read more »

In Conversation – With Matt Zimbel of Manteca, Part II

“Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically and people will like it more.” Chris Martin Manteca is a nine-piece Toronto-based jazz ensemble whose music is notable for its buoyant enthusiasm, broad spectrum of influences, smarts, and incredible listening appeal. Monday Night at the Mensa Disco was released in September. It was fan-funded via Indiegogo, fans helped… Read more »

In Conversation – With Matt Zimbel of Manteca, Part I

“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Berthold Auerbach Manteca is a nine-piece Toronto-based jazz ensemble whose music is notable for its buoyant enthusiasm, broad spectrum of influences, smarts, and incredible listening appeal. Monday Night at the Mensa Disco, their ninth album, was released in September. Via Indiegogo, fans helped Manteca… Read more »