

Title: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (VHS) Performers: Jim Carrey, Jeffrey Tambor, Christine Baranski, Bill Irwin This movie is a disappointment to the entertainment industry and to viewers worldwide. Previews and advertisements depict the movie as an interesting remake of the original Dr. Seuss story, and something that the whole family can enjoy. Instead the… Read more »

NEWS OF OTHER STUDENTS’ UNIONS – U of A student union seeks more power over student groups

EDMONTON (CUP) — A proposed bylaw that would give the University of Alberta’s student union greater control over the finances of some independent campus student organizations is drawing fire. The student union is proposing the establishment of four committees that would oversee student groups that collect more than half their operating budgets through direct student… Read more »

Teacher’s On Strike – The Heart of the Issue

On February 4, teachers in several districts of the Alberta region will strike unless their demands for increased funding are met. If this occurs, not only children will suffer, but parents and communities as well. With children out of school, many working parents will have to stay at home until the strike is over. If… Read more »


About 17 years ago, as my father prepared for retirement, he planned on buying himself a property in the very small community of Penny, BC where he had worked as a station agent for the Canadian National Railway in the 1950s and 60s. Penny is situated between the CN Rail tracks and the Fraser River… Read more »

Education Revolutionary

It’s a fascinating and somewhat unbelievably complex study into organizational cultures when one looks at the controversies that have erupted when traditional colleges and universities have tried to change their learning environments from ones that are mainly dependent on live-classroom lectures, the so called “teaching-centered” learning environment, into ones that are less dependent on the… Read more »

Community Involvement

This last week, the youth group that I belong to in Red Deer went door to door, asking people to take a few moments and answer a few questions. Two of the questions were: 1) What can youth in this community do to improve their world? 2) Every day we hear about murders, child abuse,… Read more »

A Bug In Your Ear

Indigenous Education Event Thursday January 31, 2002 – 6:00 p.m. @ the Provincial Museum of Alberta Infoline: 428-2064 / E-mail: Athabasca University is launching its new Indigenous Education initiative with the Canadian premiere screening of Yolngu Boy, an Australian film about Indigenous youth, at the Provincial Museum in Edmonton the evening of Thursday, January… Read more »