Part two of a report on maintaining your credit while you are in school. As I mentioned last week, all you need to start establishing good credit is one, low-limit credit card. If your credit history does not allow you to obtain one, inquire about getting a secured card, which requires you to pay the… Read more »
How to be a Canadian (Even if you already are one) Will and Ian Ferguson Douglas and McIntyre “The Canadian flag does not look like a giant nosebleed.” So say the brothers Ferguson in their first collaborative effort to describe the peculiar habits of this vast country and its elusive culture. How to Be a… Read more »
Trust is the foundation upon which all systems rely in order to function, whether it be trust between a husband and wife, trust between manager and employee, trust among members of an organization, or trust between countries. Ralph Waldo Emerson advised, “trust men and they will be true to you,” and Warren Bennis accurately observes,… Read more »
Credit: You need it, but it can be difficult to get, especially if you have stopped working or are only working part time while you attend school. There was a time when you could manage quite well without a good credit rating. In fact, it used to be a mark of pride to always pay… Read more »
When I finished reading the Hobbit there was a week to go before the motion picture of J. R. R. Tolkien’s “Fellowship of the Ring” was due to open. I had my doubts that I’d have the time to reread the entire 400 pages of the Fellowship before I went to see the picture, but… Read more »
America’s “National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education” is an organization funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, an American philanthropic organization. Both of these groups try hard to get their state and federal governments interested in the quality of their nation’s post-secondary system. The Center’s seasonal magazine Crosstalk has a really nice article about… Read more »
NEWS FROM AUSU: FROM BEHIND CLOSED DOORS Current Council is working hard to ensure that not only are we accountable to our members, but that our activities are open and transparent. In order to facilitate this, we are introducing this new feature in the Voice, “From Behind Closed Doors”, in which items discussed at Council… Read more »
The sudden black night terrified me, but I tried not to show it, and our little girls were gradually lulled to sleep in the back of the van. The road wound endlessly through the jungle, and my brain was alive with possibilities. Surely it could not be much further to safety? We finally reached the… Read more »
It’s resolution time again. New Year’s day is a time of reflection, and a time to evaluate ourselves, and our personal and professional progress over the past year. Everyone has things that they know they must change, and to facilitate this New Year’s has become the traditional day to practice a little radical self-applied pop… Read more »
“Oh no! They’ll think I look silly without lipstick.” It was my daughter raising the concern, as we pulled into the parking spot outside the restaurant. I pointed out that I was not concerned that I had no lipstick or other makeup on. I pointed out that she never wears makeup, yet all her friends… Read more »