This is the second of three columns about Sacred Heart Community School in Regina, Saskatchewan. In Part Two, Principal Loretta Tetreault is amazed by the wisdom of her students. Definitely Worth a Second Look! Positive change was happening in the school and it was becoming a safe learning environment. Outside, in the schoolyard, there were… Read more »
Suicide or acne? Which would you pick? It’s an easy choice for most people, but those who suffer from severe forms of acne, may choose the more extreme of the two: suicide. In fact, sixty-six people taking the acne drug Accutane have committed suicide, and 1,373 others reported psychiatric side effects. If this is how… Read more »
I found this to be a very sad and horrific story. It is bone-chilling to know that a Judge actually granted Custody of a 7-year old boy, to a man who has been accused and charged with such horrific acts of assault against the woman in this article. The woman in this article requests to… Read more »
WINNIPEG (CUP) — A Canadian media watchdog group has published its annual report card on the best and worst advertising portrayals of women in 2001. MediaWatch, a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving the representation of women and girls in the media, released its report March 8, to coincide with International Women’s Day. “This is… Read more »
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT: Elections 2002 Due to changed personal circumstances, a candidate has withdrawn his name from the upcoming election. This means we now have only 9 candidates for the 9 positions, and all will be therefore elected by acclamation. The President will declare the slate of candidates elected on March 16, 2002. It… Read more »
The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, and the man of science, into its paid wage-labourers. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, “Manifesto of the Communist Party” From the 19th century Educators and doctors… Read more »
Alberta is currently in the second week of a teacher’s strike, involving the majority of public school teachers from Edmonton, rural areas and Calgary (joining next week). The two sides are not budging, teachers want around 20% and government is offering approximately 6%. Bargaining is at an impasse, and the government may order teachers back… Read more »
Friday’s decision to award Jamie Sale and David Pelletier gold medals was nothing more than an attempt by the IOC to appease the public and deflect attention away from deeper problems that plague a number of judged sports. While there seems to be little question that Sale and Pelletier were marked unfairly, it is unclear… Read more »
A History of Canadian Wealth was first published in the United States in 1914 and was not published in Canada until 1972. This is not surprising considering the abundance of well-documented corruption and abuse of power by Canadian government officials that Myers exposes in this book. Gustavus Myers, an American, was born March 20, 1872… Read more »
The teacher strike has been the subject of news for weeks, and it seems that there will be no compromise between the Alberta government and teachers. Alberta Learning Minister Lyle Oberg has said that he will legislate teachers back to work if the strike jeopardizes the learning of students. Who is right in this controversy?… Read more »