
Everything I Ate in Japan—Part I

Recently I had a very short trip to Japan for a single week, but there was so much interesting food that I found that this article is in two parts. Since WestJet has started offering direct flights to Tokyo, it made much more sense to visit Asia than to fly to the east coast of… Read more »

The Right Place at the Right Time

I am a firm believer in the idea that everything happens for a purpose, and for my good.  This is all swept up in my religion, but this maxim doesn’t necessarily have to be linked to faith; I’ve met plenty of people who believe in this idea but not in any particular god.  Yes, my… Read more »

The Age Advantage

I once participated in an interview where I was asked to discuss my experience working in a group comprised of individuals of varying ages.  I shared an encounter from my previous role in the advertising industry as an HR professional.  In that position, I was part of a project committee consisting of eight members with… Read more »

Why Trauma is a Gift

I’ve had bad luck with my last few job interviews, but I know what to fix.  My previous interview’s job description requested content creation skills, which excited me, as I love making videos and software tutorials, although I need to improve on graphic design.  During the interview, I clarified that I’d soon be able to… Read more »

Our Highbrow Dreams

We are all academics, so we strive for incredible intellectual goals: knowledge, and if we mix that knowledge with love, we get wisdom.  How can we up the ante on our academic goals? Reach for the stars because we’ve got it in us, whether we believe it or not.  Nothing is out of our power,… Read more »

Editorial—Everybody’s a Comic

I’m quite pleased this week to be able to reinstitute our comic feature, as Wanda Waterman has returned with a new series that she foresees being able to bring a lot of ideas into. This is actually the second comic she’s sent but I thought it was a better introduction to the characters we’re going… Read more »

Last Christmas Heartache

It’s almost Christmas again.  Last Christmas, I underwent tremendous heartache, but it manifested into something beautiful.  Our traumas manifest into amazing things when we approach them and everyone involved with unconditional love.  It’s the secret of the universe that I’m providing.  It’s just that simple: everything is a gift because it teaches us how to… Read more »

What Fall in Victoria Island Feels Like

Compared to the rest of Canada, the western coast of British Columbia has a longer fall season with a temperate, rainforest-like feel.  The region has a unique climate, natural beauty, and local cultural charm that is unparalleled.  I love spending time reflecting, meditating, and bringing life’s busy pace to a slow hum.  For AU students… Read more »