This week Debbie explains the proposed changes to the course extension policy at AU [a subject on which many readers voiced their opinions in the March 19th Sounding Off. Perhaps some of you went the extra step and contacted the university with your concerns as well, because it appears that the policy is being reconsidered,… Read more »
THIS WEEK We have a really big issue for you this week, including contributions from two new writers [Trevor Siwak and Donna Koziak], the official announcement for the Athabasca University Students’ Union 10th Anniversary AGM [and no, you don’t have to live in Edmonton to be involved], a letter from a student, and a lot… Read more »
THIS WEEK Revised Voice website – The user interface of the Voice website has been updated based on comments from users. Now all sections of the newspaper, from articles to columns to news and events, are equally accessible. Read below for information on other great new features of the Voice website: Athabasca University asks students… Read more »
[In last week’s issue [], Debbie discussed the multiple course taker [MCT] tuition reduction policy, and AU’s counter proposal of a reduction in tuition for students outside of Alberta. After a lengthy discussion, AUSU came to a decision regarding this proposal – a decision Debbie took to the AU Governing Council meeting: Upon arrival at… Read more »
[In last week’s issue [April 2, 2003; v11 i14], Debbie talked about the recent Athabasca University Governing Council meeting, the upcoming AU tuition increases, and AUSU’s position on the increases. She also mentioned Sandra Moore [AUSU VP Finance/Admin]’s proposal to reduce tuition for students who take several courses at a time, or over the course… Read more »