Employment from Education? The Ontario Government has released (http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/nr/02.01/nr0104.html) an announcement declaring that colleges are doing a good job getting people ready for the workplace, and helping them to find a good career. In support of this, they give a number of statistics that show that about 91% of students who graduated and were looking… Read more »
Volume 10 Issue 2 - 01/09/2002
How to be a Canadian (Even if you already are one) Will and Ian Ferguson Douglas and McIntyre “The Canadian flag does not look like a giant nosebleed.” So say the brothers Ferguson in their first collaborative effort to describe the peculiar habits of this vast country and its elusive culture. How to Be a… Read more »
Trust is the foundation upon which all systems rely in order to function, whether it be trust between a husband and wife, trust between manager and employee, trust among members of an organization, or trust between countries. Ralph Waldo Emerson advised, “trust men and they will be true to you,” and Warren Bennis accurately observes,… Read more »
Credit: You need it, but it can be difficult to get, especially if you have stopped working or are only working part time while you attend school. There was a time when you could manage quite well without a good credit rating. In fact, it used to be a mark of pride to always pay… Read more »
When I finished reading the Hobbit there was a week to go before the motion picture of J. R. R. Tolkien’s “Fellowship of the Ring” was due to open. I had my doubts that I’d have the time to reread the entire 400 pages of the Fellowship before I went to see the picture, but… Read more »
America’s “National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education” is an organization funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, an American philanthropic organization. Both of these groups try hard to get their state and federal governments interested in the quality of their nation’s post-secondary system. The Center’s seasonal magazine Crosstalk has a really nice article about… Read more »
Campaign Platform of Tamra Ross Low Some of these letters are very long, but my reasons for wanting to be on council are very simple. I will be brief. I will make few promises because I need to learn more about the AU student body and its needs before I can. Too few AU students… Read more »
What do Aboriginal People Want? with James Guest & and Anna Marie Sewell Join us for a lunch hour conversation on Aboriginal issues – let’s tune in to what two distinguished Edmontonians have to say about the ongoing and often tense relationship between Aboriginal people and mainstream society. James Guest is a Metis and originally… Read more »
QUOTE OF THE WEEK “The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” –Walter Bagehot