NEW AUSU EXECUTIVE ELECTED This week, during the May 3rd council meeting, AUSU held an internal election to fill the three AUSU executive positions for this new term. The three positions were filled my acclamation, by a new President and Vice President External, and a returning VP Finance. The new Executive is: President: Mac McInnis… Read more »
Volume 12 Issue 18 - 05/05/2004
The very public and widespread outpouring of grief following the death of four Canadian soldiers in Kandahar has gotten me thinking. And I’m not alone. Historians and war veterans, in particular, seem from newspaper accounts, to be baffled by what has been described as an over-reaction. The memorial service at Skyreach was attended by 16,000… Read more »
This column focuses on a wide range of issues affecting post-secondary students. Students are encouraged to submit suggestions and educational topics they are concerned about, or personal experiences with courses or university situations they feel other students should know about. If suggest a topic or a course alert for taking notes, contact A LECTURE… Read more »
Missed your favourite shows? No problem. Primetime update gives you the rundown. Friends Last week, Joey’s agent died, Monica and Chandler met their new neighbour (Janice), and Ross and Rachel both accepted the idea that Rachel will be moving to Paris. At the beginning of the episode Monica spends time with Erika, the woman who… Read more »
Dear Heather: I want to start an exercise program, to lose a little weight and get healthier. The problem is, in the past every time I have tried to do this, I always got bored, sidetracked, or injured or I just gave up. How do I come up with a program I will stick with?… Read more »
May is Mystery Month I first saw this film many years ago, around the time it was first released. The characters made my skin crawl. I really connected to the young couple, Patty and Drake (Melanie Griffith and Matthew Modine), trying to make a living by buying a gorgeous old Victorian house in San Francisco… Read more »
Ahh, the weather is finally warming up enough for the plant kingdom to fully come back to life. Splashes of green and jewels of colour are once again making their mark on the winter weary landscape. Along with this new surge of floral vitality, however, comes the bustling activity of life of a different sort,… Read more »
Are you interested in having a better command of the English language? Athabasca University’s ENGL 146, Reading for Academic Purposes, may be for you. First released in April 2003, Reading for Academic Purposes (ENGL 146) is a non-credit course whose goal is to aid students in improving their English skills, including reading and comprehension. Reading… Read more »
The conclusion of Debbie’s three part article on burnout. In previous instalments Debbie spoke about her challenging job as a family support worker, and the gruelling on-call schedule that left her exhausted and disillusioned. Throughout this whole time, in spite of my exhaustion, I absolutely loved the work I was doing. This was what I… Read more »
Research Chair for E-Business Created The Government of Canada is putting $700,000 into creating a research chair ( for e-business activities. While I’m normally in favour of more money going toward education, even if it is on the research side of things, this one strikes me as not necessarily the best move. The reason is… Read more »
“Hello, Toronto!” My Hometown I begin my journey, with a smile and a frown, through the paved streets of my hometown. Where the doors are open for a weekend each year, during the spring season, brightening up the town with plenty of joy and cheer. Ole Toronto Town I. Roaming into the ROM, where his-story… Read more »
KEN DRYDEN SCHOLARSHIP Value: Maximum of $3,000, renewable annually Deadline: May 7 Notes: For Canadian citizens or landed immigrants currently or formerly in the care of the Canadian child welfare system; designated a temporary, society or crown ward or designated a temporary or permanent guardianship order or assigned a social worker or child protection worker… Read more »
Know of a conference that is not on this list? Contact with the details and we’ll list it in Conference Connections. 58TH ANNUAL QUALITY CONGRESS May 24-26 Metro Toronto Conference Centre, Toronto, ON, Conference Contact: Robin Barry; Phone: 414-298-8789 x7364; Email: Who should go? Teachers & Trainers – Administrators – Board Members/Trustees… Read more »
One of the more difficult tasks facing any student is that of finding a job. Information on jobs is scattered all over the Internet and newspaper classified sections, in some not very consistent ways, which makes the task of finding available work that much more difficult. Even if you do find it, you might be… Read more »
We love to hear from you! Send your questions and comments to, and please indicate if we may publish your letter in the Voice. RE: Debbie Jabbour’s AU Develops Doctorate Program April 28, 2004 – v12i17 I’d like to say how frustrated I am that AU does not currently have a Psychology or Arts… Read more »
Classifieds are free for AU students! Contact for more information. CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY AND REIKI. Tired of sore shoulders, back or neck? History of injury or overwork causing chronic pain? Stop treating the short term… treat long-term with Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki. Laura Seymour–level 4 graduate of Upledger Institute and teaching assistant. Calgary, (403) 262-5589… Read more »