Vol. 12 Iss. 19

Volume 12 Issue 19 - 05/12/2004

Race and History

From March 11th to 13th, the History Department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign sponsored the “Fifth Annual Graduate Symposium on Women’s and Gender History.” Established in 1867, and located about three hours south of Chicago, UIUC has over 38,000 students, and boasts the world’s largest public university library collection. When my wife was… Read more »

Editorial Pages

Last week Laura Seymour asked, in a letter to the Editor, whether there is an AU doctorate in the arts or psychology on the horizon. It’s a question I’ve heard several times. AU students want to stick with AU as long as they can, and those who want to pursue master’s or doctoral studies don’t… Read more »

Making Your PC Work For You – Terms and Acronyms

HELP FOR YOUR PERSONAL COMPUTER If acronyms didn’t exist the computer world would crash horribly. Just kidding. But just think of all the acronyms used in reference to computers. What do they all mean? Computer-related acronyms are used in every day language just like someone’s name. Add to this all the other computer terms and… Read more »

From Where I Sit – Nature Lessons

I had a chance recently to travel through the United States. I found Montana to be an odd and desolate mix of wide, open nothingness and badlands type hills. As this prairie girl traveled through those hills with the sheer rock faces and stepped, terraced rock formations, I was struck by one of nature’s miracles…. Read more »

Taking Notes: Eye on Education – Homeless Student

This column focuses on a wide range of issues affecting post-secondary students. Students are encouraged to submit suggestions and educational topics they are concerned about, or personal experiences with courses or university situations they feel other students should know about. If suggest a topic or a course alert for taking notes, contact djabbour@ausu.org HOMELESS STUDENT… Read more »

Canadian Fedwatch! News Across the Nation

Once for a Millennium The federal government’s Millennium Bursary may be undergoing some changes and the federal government is attempting to consult with Canadians on what they want to do with this $285 million dollars that is awarded each year. If you want your say on where that money can go, you can start by… Read more »

Always giving advice? The Voice needs a new advice columnist

Voice advice columnist Heather Wrigley will be moving on after her next column. I’d encourage her to stay, but her reasons for quitting are the best! Heather’s graduating and has been accepted in to med school. If you’ve read her bio in the most recent AUSU newsletter, you’ll recall that this is Heather’s dream! Way… Read more »

Dear Heather

Dear Heather: About two months ago, my oldest daughter, who was three months pregnant, suffered a miscarriage. She is still very upset and depressed about it, and I wondered if you had any suggestions about how I can help her begin to get over this loss. Sharon Dear Sharon: For many people, a miscarriage is… Read more »

AUSU This Month – AUSU Elects New Executive

NEW AUSU EXECUTIVE ELECTED This week, during the May 3rd council meeting, AUSU held an internal election to fill the three AUSU executive positions for this new term. The three positions were filled my acclamation, by a new President and Vice President External, and a returning VP Finance. The new Executive is: President: Mac McInnis… Read more »

A Councillor Afar

While the AUSU 2004 election was being held, I was packing for a months-long visit to my parents who live in China. As I strolled down the Q&A web page, I read: “Q. If I am elected, do I need to live in or around Edmonton to attend Council meetings? A. Not at all.” That… Read more »

AUSU Council Meeting – May 4, 2004 – Student Coverage

At this month’s meeting, Call Centre concerns were aired, including the Centre’s long return process, and unsatisfactory response content. A representative of the AU registrar’s office attended the early part of the meeting, answering questions and taking notes on several issues, including current scholarship eligibility- it seems that while full-time student status is a requirement… Read more »


The Computing Services (CS) Help Desk’s summer hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m daily, from July 5 through August 27. The CS Help Desk can be contacted by using the online trouble reporting form at http://www.athabascau.ca/html/depts/compserv/helpdesk/students/helpdesk_students.html(with the form link in the upper left), emailing helpdesk@athabascau.ca or phoning 1-800-788-9041, ext 6405. Make sure you… Read more »

Scholarships & Awards

CIBC CLASSIC VISA CARD SCHOLARSHIP Value: $2,500 x 2 Application Deadline: May 18 Notes: The CIBC Classic VISA Card Scholarship is designed to help Canadian students fund their post-secondary education expenses. CIBC encourages students to learn how to use credit wisely – interested students should read the online article. To be eligible, you must apply… Read more »

Conference Connections

Know of a conference that is not on this list? Contact voice@ausu.org with the details and we’ll list it in Conference Connections. 58TH ANNUAL QUALITY CONGRESS May 24-26 Metro Toronto Conference Centre, Toronto, ON, http://aqc.asq.org/ Conference Contact: Robin Barry; Phone: 414-298-8789 x7364; Email: rbarry@asq.org Who should go? Teachers & Trainers – Administrators – Board Members/Trustees… Read more »

Thank you, AU Students

We love to hear from you! Send your questions and comments to voice@ausu.org, and please indicate if we may publish your letter in the Voice. I offer a heartfelt thank you to the undergraduate students of Athabasca University. You have given me the greatest gift – a three-year gift, actually – of allowing me to… Read more »

Classified ads

Classifieds are free for AU students! Contact voice@ausu.org for more information. CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY AND REIKI. Tired of sore shoulders, back or neck? History of injury or overwork causing chronic pain? Stop treating the short term… treat long-term with Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki. Laura Seymour–level 4 graduate of Upledger Institute and teaching assistant. Calgary, (403) 262-5589… Read more »