Vol. 12 Iss. 32

Volume 12 Issue 32 - 08/18/2004

AUSU Council Meeting – August 15, 2004 – Student Coverage

This month’s AUSU council meeting started with the council further probing new methods of providing monetary scholarships. Last month, the council agreed that to ensure the awards be used for education, the scholarship amount would be deposited to the Registrar’s Office, directly supplementing the student’s next tuition fee, instead of issuing a personal cheque. This… Read more »

Dear Barb – Involving extended family in the wedding

Dear Barb: My fiancĂ© and I are planning our wedding. The problem is that my parents are divorced and both are remarried. I know tradition says my father should walk me down the isle, but I don’t want to leave out my stepparents or my mother. Do you have any suggestions on how I could… Read more »

Primetime Update

WHAT’S NEW ON PRIMETIME AMAZING RACE – Wednesdays – 9pm on CTV Last week teams raced to Egypt, Colin and Christie achieved a 7 hour lead, people encountered fatigue and injury, and Linda and Karen (the bowling moms), despite arriving last, were permitted to stay in the game,. However all of their money was taken… Read more »

Flicks & Folios – Comedy Film Review: Big Trouble in Little China

Trivia buffs might want to know that the first few drafts of this script were called “Buckaroo Banzai vs. The World Crime League,” which was the proposed sequel to The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086856/). For an unknown reason, it was later scrapped. Director John Carpenter has made a huge… Read more »

Lost & Found – Sub Divisions

It’s one hour before dawn and the wind is blowing in from the east. It ripples the great black belly of the Fraser River and rattles the windowpanes of abandoned warehouses. It picks up leaves and plastic bags from a desolate soccer field. It moves the ancient wooden swings in a school playground, making them… Read more »

AUSU This Month – AUSU Wants Your Opinion

AUSU WANTS YOUR OPINION The AUSU is in the process of improving our website and we would like to get your opinion on what needs to be done. You can help us out by sending us a list of your pet peeves about our website, your favourite parts of our website, your suggestions for what… Read more »

From Where I Sit – Sharing Your Gifts

Have you done a self-assessment lately? And I don’t mean the playing and re-playing of the worst dialogue your internal critic can dish out. I mean taking the time and thought to inventory your skills, your gifts, your finest qualities? What is it exactly that you excel at? Are you a successful breeder of fine… Read more »

Canadian Fedwatch! News Across the Nation

ALL ABOARD THE ELECTION GRAVY TRAIN The Alberta Provincial Government is starting to hand out the goodies in anticipation of a November election, as hinted at by the Honourable Premier Klein. First, Alberta’s seniors will no longer have to pay (http://www.gov.ab.ca/home/index.cfm?Page=864) health insurance premiums, putting them on par with just about every other province in… Read more »

Feel the Fear

Since the events of 9/11, we in the Western World have finally gotten ourselves in tune with the most basic and vital of human instincts: fear. From the beginning of time, as we cocooned ourselves in our cave dwellings (early precursor of the gated community), and trembled at the prospect of roving sabre toothed tigers,… Read more »

Fiction Feature – Poetry by…

how you began: you are swallowed back into my womb as the pain of childbirth is swallowed back into the innocent anxiety that exists before experience you are reduced to a tiny seahorse but you could be the beginning of any creature: a bird a fish a salamander you are a metaphor for your own… Read more »

Mothering & Capitalism

The very idea that Capitalism doesn’t work for some groups of law abiding, liberty-loving humans stirs horror in the minds of some — traditionalists, in particular. Nevertheless, Capitalism, (as a way of life) and its economic objectives simply does not serve the lives or the welfare of large segments of our population. Most of us… Read more »

New Course Introduction – COMP 266 (Introduction to Web Programming)

If you’re currently selecting your September semester courses, why not start your upcoming school year with a new Athabasca course featuring website programming? With the ever-increasing popularity of the internet, or world wide web, you may have always wanted to design your own website, or have wondered how websites are made. Enrolling in Athabasca University’s… Read more »

cpossibilities, the Program

This year, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra is trying something new. Based on the successful tsoundcheck program of the Toronto Orchestra, the CPO is launching cpossibilities, a program that will target younger listeners by allowing them to purchase tickets at a greatly reduce rate and experience live classical music, perhaps for the first time. The the… Read more »

Scholarships & Awards

ALBERTA BLUE CROSS 50TH ANNIVERSARY TRAVELER’S BURSARY – FAIRVIEW CAMPUS Value: up to $500 Application Deadline: August 30 Administrator: Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Contact Information: Bonnie Megley – Student Awards Administrator Student Awards Office, O101-11762 106 Street NW Edmonton, Alberta T5G 2R1 Phone: (780) 471-7547 Fax: (780) 471-8414 Web Site: http://www.nait.ab.ca/scholarships/default.asp Application Address: http://www.nait.ab.ca/scholarships/default.asp… Read more »

Searching for Internships

Deloitte Internships Website: http://careers.deloitte.com/students_internships.aspx Deloitte is an international firm offering the following services: audit, consulting, emerging markets, enterprise risk services, financial advisory services, firm internal, legal and tax. They accept interns in numerous countries including Canada and each internship is different. To view available internships and information on internships in each country visit the website… Read more »

Conference Connections

Know of a conference that is not on this list? Contact voice@ausu.org with the details and we’ll list it in Conference Connections. WLICSMB’2004 – HANGZHOU CHINA Oct 30 – Nov 1 The Sixth West Lake International Conference on Small & Medium Business The WLICSMB is an important international conference on small businesses. Its basic objectives… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

We love to hear from you. Send your letters to: voice@ausu.org Re: Justice for AU – August 11, 2004 – v12 i31 http://www.ausu.org/voice/articles/articledisplay.php?ART=3076 In response to Ron Tebo’s article regarding Ralph Klein’s plagiarism — I too, feel as though Ralph Klein should be held accountable for his actions in blatantly plagiarizing his essay. I am… Read more »

Classified ads

Classifieds are free for AU students! Contact voice@ausu.org for more information. AU BUSINESS STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION (AUBSA) NOW ONLINE! The AU Business Students’ Association website is now online at http://www.ausu.org/clubs/aubsa/index.php. If you are an AU business student, or a student with an interest in business, this club is for you! Contact aubsa@ausu.org for more information. It’s… Read more »