This week, I did a lot of homework. A lot of it was research for a paper on the development of technology, so I happened to come across an interesting non-fiction work by William Shatner entitled I’m Working on That: A Trek from Science Fiction to Science Fact. Shatner, best known as Captain Kirk from… Read more »
Volume 13 Issue 48 - 12/09/2005
AUSU Job Posting – Chief Returning Officer Deadline – January 17th The Athabasca University Students’ Union (AUSU) represents AU students and their interests. The Union strives for a fair and accessible election process for members to the Students’ Council. To this end, AUSU is seeking a student to fulfill the role of Chief Returning Officer… Read more »
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Elections! So, as expected, the opposition party’s motion of non-confidence came up in Parliament. The opposition parties all voted in favour. The next general election has been scheduled for January 23, 2006, not quite a year and a half after the last election. Predictions abound, with the idea of another Liberal minority being the most… Read more »
It didn’t look good, to say the least. My ancient, steam-driven iMac stubbornly refused to boot up. Its inner workings making a sort of grinding, creaking sound, like the cars of an antique and soon-to-be condemned rollercoaster labouriously inching their way to the top of the ride’s first hill. Perhaps it was my imagination, but… Read more »
We’ve been led to believe that making judgments is a bad thing. Pat Allen (2005) in her book entitled Art is a Spiritual Path offers a new way to look at things. Allen runs an art program in her US studio. Artists undertake a two-part process. Part one is creation. Part two is what she… Read more »
I was listening to a radio station on my way home from work a few days ago as they played recorded phone-in comments from listeners who were offering their take on the commercialization of Christmas. The call that struck me the most was from a woman who claimed that all of the cheap gimmicky tawdriness… Read more »
Dear Barb: I feel a little awkward writing to you. I am a 25-year-old man and I’ve just met a wonderful woman. I think she may be the one for me. My problem is that I have led a fairly promiscuous life up to this point. I have experimented sexually, and I’m concerned about AIDS…. Read more »
100 is not a very large number if you are talking about money. It’s not a large number if you are talking about size or weight or some other measurement. If you are talking about time, however, 100 can be an amazingly large number, particularly if you are using it in the context of 100… Read more »
A good work ethic is a lot like a sense of humour in that very few people in our society would admit to not having one. Courtesy of the workaholic, 24/7 mindset that is a lingering hangover from the early European colonizers of our country (for example, all those dour Scottish Presbyterians, fastidious Germans, and… Read more »
THE THIRD ANNUAL VOICE MAGAZINE WRITING CONTEST! $1000 in scholarships to be awarded $500 each in the fiction and non-fiction categories Write for The Voice and win money for your education. The Voice is launching its third annual writing contest, with categories for both fiction and non-fiction. Non-Fiction: In 1500 words or less, write about… Read more »
There is this misconception that abounds in regard to the tastes of women, that we like assholes. It’s not true, you know. We don’t like assholes at all. What women like is confidence and strength. Unfortunately, more often than not, both men and women interpret these traits to mean “asshole.” This interpretation is either because… Read more »
It’s the topic of the millennium: Climate change. The earth is getting hotter and it looks like big industry is at least partially to blame. Smokestacks, exhaust pipes and cute red-brick chimneys are pouring out greenhouse gases that trap heat and warm the planet – hurricanes, droughts and rising sea-levels are just the beginning of… Read more »
This column focuses on a wide range of issues affecting post-secondary students. Students are encouraged to submit suggestions and educational topics they are concerned about, or personal experiences with courses or university situations they feel other students should know about. If suggest a topic or a course alert for taking notes, contact, attn: Debbie… Read more »
Canadian Death Race, an extreme racing event in which racers journey over three different mountain summits, cross a river in a raft, and run part of the course in the dark, takes place in Grande Cache Alberta each August. The race promotes tourism and helps the town to raise funds in a number of ways…. Read more »
Ritchie-Jennings Memorial Scholarship Value: $1,000 Application Deadline: May 13 Description: Must be currently enrolled in full-time studies at the undergraduate or graduate level at an accredited four-year college or university. Declared major in accounting or criminal justice, with interest in becoming Certified Fraud Examiners Submit maximum 500 word essay on specified topic. Transcripts and letters… Read more »
BECK MEETS FREUD? COGNITIVE THERAPY IN DEPTH December 1 – 2 2005 – Toronto, Ont. Participants will develop an understanding of cognitive therapy’s approach to issues that are often seen as the domain of psychodynamic therapies, including the complexities of the therapeutic relationship, resistance to change, trauma, and other family of origin issues, and… Read more »
To list events in your area, e-mail with “events” in the subject line. EDMONTON OPERA PRESENTS: FILUMENA Edmonton , Alberta – Nov 26 – Dec 01, 2005 Filumena kicks off the 2005/06 season with the fascinating true story of Filumena Lassandro, the last woman to be hanged in Alberta. For event information: (780) 451-8000… Read more »
We love to hear from you! Send your questions and comments to, and please indicate if we may publish your letter. RE: From Where I Sit – Utter Bloody Rudeness, December 2, v13 i 46 Hi, this is just a quick appreciative comment re: Hazel Anaka’s article. I always feel optimistic when I hear… Read more »
Classifieds are free for AU students! Contact for more information.