Viewed in the broadest strokes, the problem of the ongoing toy recalls is simple–Chinese manufacturers are making shoddy (even dangerous) goods that are being sold to unsuspecting North American consumers. But this simplistic big-picture view of a complex issue is tied to the smaller picture; in particular, to a recent conversation I had with a… Read more »
Volume 15 Issue 33 - 09/07/2007
Coalition for Student Loan Fairness AUSU is currently investigating the Coalition for Student Loan Fairness (CSLF) to determine if participation with this group would be advantageous to our members. The group, a grassroots movement of student loan borrowers from across Canada, supports fairness in the loans repayment process. The CSLF notes that Canadian students are… Read more »
Release date: January 2007 Label: Vagrant Tracks: 22 Rating: 10 The latest release from Chicago punk trio Alkaline Trio, Remains is a compilation CD that incorporates tracks from foreign releases, B-sides, and other compilation albums. Normally, B-side collections don’t impress me all that much; however, this is a huge exception to the rule. Remains includes… Read more »
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When in need of healing, some people meditate, practice tai chi, or sit alone in a quiet church. I have always gravitated to the outdoors. If I can reach a body of water–ocean, lake, or river–so much the better. If not, a few hours walking alone in the woods will recharge my spiritual batteries, and… Read more »
Tonight, the wind is howling around my house, and cats are screeching in the night. There is a tall, crooked man with a broad black hat standing at the bottom of my garden, leaning on the fence. There are eyes staring at me from the branches of the tree, its leaves scraping across my window…. Read more »
CD: Ron Hynes ? Ron Hynes Release date: 2006 Label: Borealis Records These songs could only have been written by an Irishman. Correction: these songs could only have been written by a Newfoundlander who bears the Irish curse in his bones, is spending months in rehab, is forbidden by his counsellor to write songs, and… Read more »
Step away from the bag and no one gets hurt. You see, my purse is oh so much more than simply a utilitarian fashion accessory; it’s an appendage, a personal assistant, a security blanket, a statement. What, pray tell, are its precious contents? Oh, just a microcosm of my life: a month-at-a-glance calendar, a Tungsten… Read more »
History vs. the Future: What’s Guiding Restoration These Days? Conferences are interesting things; so much information comes your way in such a short time that you have to wonder whether anything will stand out in your memory once It’s all over, or whether your brain will simply give up in the face of such an… Read more »
At Home: Tory says creationism can be taught alongside evolution John Tory is definitely living up to his name with this latest proposal: the Ontario PC leader has suggested that creationism be taught along with evolution in schools throughout the province. In a bid to win the Ontario premiership this October, Tory has come forward… Read more »
The Digital Page: Open, Digital Scholarly Publishing at AU Press Scholarly publishing has gone digital with the advent of AU Press, an imprint of Athabasca University that is dedicated to ?the dissemination of knowledge and research through open access digital journals and monographs, as well through new electronic media.? AU Press is the first scholarly… Read more »
They say the best things, even big ones, come in small packages, and those packages can vary in type from the plain cardboard box to the skin we all walk around in. World’s Smallest Man I think that one’s self-explanatory. World’s Smallest Works of Art I am blown away by this. How could anyone manage… Read more »
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