Besides graduation, a wedding is one of the few times in life when all eyes are on you. The pressure for everything—including the bride—to be perfect can be intense. So when bride-to-be and AU student Sarah Whaley (now Kertcher) realized that both her wedding dress and time were running tight, it was time to get… Read more »
Volume 16 Issue 8 - 02/22/2008
That old truism about everybody wanting his or her 15 minutes of fame has reached new heights. And It’s not just the occasional person who wants to be known for sitting on the flagpole the longest, or eating the most bugs on a reality-television show. Now, the desire to qualify, to put that extra shiny… Read more »
AUSU Election 2008 – Nomination Period Closed Dear AU Students: My name is Rehan Qureshi and I am pleased to have been appointed your Chief Recruiting Officer (CRO) for the 2008 General Election. It is my position to accept and verify nominations for the election; field questions about election policy and procedures for nominees; and… Read more »
Some days I feel really choked that I can’t wear costume jewellery. I know It’s hardly a national (or even local) disaster. But before you dismiss my complaint as selfish whining, think about it. Because of a nickel sensitivity that appeared in my early 20s I’ve been forced to wear only gold jewellery. What’s so… Read more »
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Book: Clive James, Cultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories from History and the Arts Publication date: 2007 Publisher: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., New York, NY If you’ve ever been blessed with access to a good library and the freedom to choose your next tome based on names mentioned in whatever book is setting you on… Read more »
Adult education courses bring to mind a syllabus filled with techniques and approaches for teachers to use in the classroom. According to Dr. Michael Welton, a tutor in AU’s Centre for Distance Education, ?Like so many other Canadians, [students] think of adult education as night school classes, or literacy programs for immigrants.? However, a closer… Read more »
I’d like to start with an apology for the somewhat misleading title of this article, which seems to suggest a lengthy pontification on the practical uses of time signatures. However, since time signatures were invented and patented by Ornette Coleman over a century ago, there is really very little left to be said on the… Read more »
WATERLOO, Ont. (CUP) — McMaster University student Meena Bhardwaj says She’s looking for a part-time job to help her pay for school next year. Her parents were able to cover the bulk of her tuition and residence fees this past year, but Bhardwaj knows the cost of a university education in Ontario is climbing. And… Read more »
Plans for AU’s new course numbering system are moving ahead. The current system is being updated to reflect the growing popularity of four-year undergrad degree programs. Course numbers were originally designed so that 200 numbers designated first-year courses and 300 numbers signified second-year ones. When four-year undergraduate programs became common, 300 numbers were used to… Read more »
I think one of the best things ever as a youth, was actually flipping through the racks of vinyl at a record store, a feeling that cannot be duplicated with bins of CDs. It was a large canvas, the album cover; home to colour, imagination, semi-naked humans, shaved fish (anyone who gets that reference without… Read more »
At Home: Harsh winter but global warming continues nonetheless Many Canadians have been wondering exactly what happened to global warming with some of the brutally cold temperatures that have been a part of the winter of 2007/2008. The nation has been hit with winter storms that have dumped snow in amounts not seen in years…. Read more »
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