During each of the three days of convocation, one graduate addressed his fellow students and convocation guests, sharing his thoughts about graduation and the journey that brought him there. On Saturday, June 13, the graduate address was given by Russell Permann, of Calgary, Alberta, who received his Master of Business Administration. The Voice thanks Russell… Read more »
Volume 17 Issue 26 - 07/03/2009
This is the third of a special three-part Voice report on Athabasca University’s 2009 Convocation, which took place June 11, 12, and 13. The Voice offers its warmest congratulations to all this year’s graduates! For most people, the experience of AU’s convocation ceremony is seen from one of two perspectives: either from the stage, waiting… Read more »
This is the third of a three-part Voice series featuring interviews with some of AU’s 2009 graduates. For many graduates, convocation weekend was the first time they had seen the beautiful grounds and buildings of the AU campus, and they attended the ceremonies from places near and far, including Peace River, Alberta, and Toronto, Ontario…. Read more »
Annual AGM Held As you probably already know from the AGM Report put out by the Voice, AUSU held its annual general meeting on March 23, 2009. In that meeting a number of important revisions to the definitions of AUSU membership occurred, to make sure that the Councillors you elect are able to represent you… Read more »
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Dear Barb: A very good friend is getting married and she is gay. Janice and I have been very close confidantes for years, but our relationship has not extended beyond work. Therefore my husband and children have not spent a lot of time with Janice and my children do not know she is gay. My… Read more »
Has a book ever spoken to you? Have you been convinced the author knows you alone and has written something so profound and accurate and timely the little hairs stand up on the back of your neck? Well, it happened to me in the silence of my retreat at Hilary’s condo. I had a suitcase… Read more »
CD: BettySoo, Heat Sin Water Skin Label: Waterloo Records Release date: 2009 Austin’s Thoroughly Grounded Heartbreak Queen ?If It’s a still, small voice, how does it end the darkness? If It’s a still, small voice, how does it make flee the night? Well, that still, small voice makes tremble the darkness. That still, small voice… Read more »
BettySoo is an Austin singer-songwriter who sings her own country-flavoured ballads in a tender, evocative style. She has just released her latest album, Heat Sin Water Skin (see Voice review this issue), to ecstatic reviews. She’ll soon be touring with this CD and plans to go to Europe this fall. Recently BettySoo took the time… Read more »
Physical fitness, research projects, hockey, environmentally friendly cars: where can you find stories on all these topics and more? At Open AU, Athabasca University’s online publication that ?features stories about our students, faculty, research, awards and events.? Along with fascinating feature stories, you can also find Alumni Profiles, Twitter feeds, and links to AU news…. Read more »
Outdoor music festivals are as much a part of summer as sunburns and long weekends. From Woodstock to Glastonbury and beyond, here’s a look at the mud, music, and fun of the summer music festival. Glastonbury 2009 This UK festival began in 1970 (the first event took place the day after Jimi Hendrix died) and… Read more »
At Home: New scholarship launched for children of fallen soldiers A new scholarship program has been launched in Canada, one That’s designed to help the children of fallen soldiers attend university. Known as Project Hero, the scholarship will be offered at four universities in Ontario, Calgary, and Newfoundland and Labrador. The scholarship will apply to… Read more »
We love to hear from you! Send your questions and comments to voice@voicemagazine.org, and please indicate if we may publish your letter. Re: ?Drive-Through Decorum? by Kimberley Sanders, v15 i16 (2009-04-24) Hi, Great article. The textbox call-out that reads ?If you can’t demonstrate common courtesy, civility, and the spirit…? really resonates with me. I think… Read more »