Writing coaches advise their students to gently and deliberately facilitate the flow of ideas. we’re encouraged to maintain a level of openness to inspiration, to cultivate our surroundings so that they’ll bear rich fruit. To handle inspiration with care. To ?fondle our muse,? so to speak. Apparently, they haven’t met my writing Muse. She needs… Read more »
Volume 18 Issue 29 - 07/23/2010
Convocation 2010 AUSU wishes to congratulate this year’s graduates, whether attending Convocation in person or by distance. We wish you the best of luck in your future pursuits. You are an inspiration to all AU students! AUSU Executive Election AUSU has recently held its internal election for the Executive. We wish to congratulate Barbara Rielly… Read more »
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Book: Lorcan Roche, The Companion Publisher: Europa Editions, 2010 Waltzing With Despair When Truth Cuts In “I got to the point of feeling a sort of secret abnormal, despicable enjoyment in returning home to my corner on some disgusting Petersburg night, acutely conscious that that day I had committed a loathsome action again, that what… Read more »
Is there anything quite so lovely as a bowl of freshly-washed cherries? Go ahead; pop one in your mouth. Savour the cool droplets of water on the dark burgundy skin just before your teeth cut into the rich, juicy flesh. Hang on to the stem as your tongue works the treat off the stone. Discard… Read more »
Janet Klein has amassed an international cult following by singing little-known songs of the 1910s, ?20s, and ?30s in period dress, with the mannerisms of a Betty Boop with an art degree. Her repertoire includes Yiddish tunes, Tin Pan Alley, early hot jazz, ragtime, vaudeville, and novelty tunes. Janet recently took the time to chat… Read more »
“Dear Dr. Katie, A co-worker gave me a jar of kombucha tea and it looks pretty weird ? almost like It’s not safe to drink! What is kombucha? She said It’s a mushroom with amazing anti-cancer benefits. Is this really true?” Sarah Dear Sarah, Recently, there has been much interest in kombucha in the natural… Read more »
At Home: New Island Erosion by weather and water are expected in Eastern Canada, but sometimes the results are particularly drastic. This was the case at Blooming Point, Prince Edward Island, part of P.E.I. National Park. As the CBC reports, local fishing boat captain Randall Clow recently discovered that a new channel had formed, separating… Read more »
Ocean, sea, lake, or even river: the beach becomes a favourite, cooling destination as July wears on. This week’s links take us beachside for fun in the sun, sand, and water. Sunbather It’s always a dilemma: work on the tan, or stay sun-safe while outdoors? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s report on sun safety, ultraviolet… Read more »
If You’re seeking supplementary material for your courses, familiarizing yourself with background subjects, or considering studying a new topic for personal enjoyment, you’ll be excited to learn about Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (?MIT?) OpenCourseWare initiative. The donations-funded online resource, which is free and requires no registration, includes materials from two thousand courses previously taught at… Read more »
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