John O?Brien has served as Manager, Media Relations for AU for the past two years. O?Brien is currently investigating the potential uses AU could make of the social networking site Twitter. ?Twitter is a social networking or microblogging site that allows users to post short messages of up to 140 characters, including links to URLs,?… Read more »
Volume 18 Issue 3 - 01/22/2010
A ?Hollywood ending? seems synonymous with the world of film. Everything works out, all parties are satisfied, and the credits roll with a happily ever after. But It’s truly ?just a movie.? Ironically, many old movies about Hollywood?particularly the more enduring ones?don’t share a similar optimism. Themes of jealousy, self-promotion, denial, and despair suggest a… Read more »
When actress Courteney Cox signed on for the new show Cougar Town, she probably didn’t foresee that her latest career move would be part of an ongoing social debate. TV ratings aside, the argument over the word ?cougar? is heating up. On the one hand are those who use it to lay claim to the… Read more »
Dear Barb, I hope you can help me with my problem. My sister-in-law is driving me crazy. Steve and I have been married for over 20 years. Steve’s father died when Steve was quite young. Therefore his mother and older sister raised him. His sister never married, but ended up taking care of the mother… Read more »
New 2010 AUSU Handbook/Planners The new AUSU Handbook/Planners are in the final stages of creation, and should be available within the next couple of months. We had great response on it being full colour, so we’ll be doing that once more. Also, numerous suggestions for improvements have been heard and we’re fitting in what we… Read more »
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Linda McCloud-Bondoc is the Academic Coordinator in charge of overseeing AU’s Write Site. As such, she supervises ?the entire range of Write Site services, which includes writing assessments, writing coaching, and selection and updating of online resources.? She is also ?responsible for collaborating with other departments at AU to develop appropriate writing resources and standards… Read more »
Book: Boualem Sansal, The German Mujahid Publisher: Europa Editions Publication date: 2009 Translated by Frank Wynne from the French title Le Village de l?Allemand ou Le Journal des Frères Schiller Reconciling the Irreconcilable ?Solemn judgement gives the crimes back their full horror and restores to the guilty some part of their lost humanity. Silence perpetuates… Read more »
I’m mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Have you had a teeny-weeny customer complaint mushroom into a bloody big deal because no one had the inkling or authority to make it right? Many corporations have escalation processes to deal with complaints that have grown from molehill to mountain in size. I… Read more »
NUTR 331: Nutrition for Health is a senior-level science course that ?introduces nutritional concepts and covers the most common nutrition-related conditions.? Nutrition for Health is the best of AU’s NUTR classes for ?a student who only plans to take one nutrition course,? as well as for students who may have a more ?limited science background.?… Read more »
Chris Rehage is a German university student who began to walk across China in 2007. After completing a third of his journey he decided to return home and finish his degree. Rehage chronicled this walk, and his reasons for ending it, in his website The Longest Way, which holds a fascinating array of incredible photos… Read more »
What better way to lose the winter blahs than to peek at something bright?like, say, colourful spring clothes? The only thing is, You’re not likely to see any of these designs in your neighbourhood. That’s because they’re made of everything from chocolate (yum) to human hair (yuck). And you thought harem pants were a debatable… Read more »
At Home: Homeowner urges tax fight against ATV noise A group of Nova Scotia homeowners won a tax fight against ATVs last year, but their case may not have set a precedent for others. In 2009, Bob Haagensen was one of six property owners who argued that noisy ATVs were enough of a nuisance to… Read more »
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