The black pinstripe suit has been carefully placed across the foot of his bed. The dry cleaning tag pinned to the inside collar bears a date from the previous decade?the same date, Eugene remembers, that he had returned to the jeweller’s with Helen’s wedding band and the accompanying receipt of sale. The shirt and jacket… Read more »
Volume 19 Issue 19 - 05/20/2011
Convocation 2010 AUSU wishes to congratulate this year’s graduates, whether attending Convocation in person or by distance. We wish you the best of luck in your future pursuits. You are an inspiration to all AU students! AUSU Executive Election AUSU has recently held its internal election for the Executive. We wish to congratulate Barbara Rielly… Read more »
So you want to be a writer. Better yet, a published writer. The good news is that you have the power to make that happen?at less expense and to a wider audience than ever. The bad news? Well, that depends on what your version of a self-published home run looks like, but there are plenty… Read more »
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More, ?Canada’s magazine celebrating women over 40,? is a content-rich, timely, relevant magazine covering issues of interest to the mature female. As much as I enjoy it, It’s impossible to read any publication cover to cover, and this one is no exception. I cherry-pick those articles and features that speak to me at that precise… Read more »
Album: Rose Laughlin, House of Memory (Ramblin? Rose Records 2011). ?Beauty reclaims The desert of my heart With springs That quicken into streams Of joy; where thoughts, Like homing swallows, dart Through watered reaches Bright with dreams.? Marie Barton (quoted on the jacket of House of Memories). Beauty Reclaimed Folk music tends to be one… Read more »
Book: Tariq Ramadan, The Quest for Meaning: Developing a Philosophy of Pluralism (Penguin 2010). ?The goal of the journey is the journey itself . . . poetically put, it is a journey that takes us far away, and back to ourselves. In order to find there our being, a liberated ego, God, reason, the heart,… Read more »
Mark your calendars for June 9-11: Athabasca University’s Convocation ceremonies are just around the corner. If You’re unable to travel to Athabasca to participate in the festivities, if your special friends and relatives can’t make the trip to support you in person, or if you’d just like a preview of your own future graduation, there’s… Read more »
With the finale of the popular hit show just around the corner, people are becoming increasingly interested in Dancing?and in dancing. But dance isn’t all glitzy visuals; there’s a lot of science behind all that moving and shaking, and dance is just as elemental elsewhere in the world (or universe) as it is in the… Read more »
Operation Unplugged wants to send you into Canada’s great outdoors. Are you a student who loves being plugged into the Internet, social media and all manner of techno-gadgets? If so, a new TV show wants to take them all away from you . . . and reward you generously. Operation Unplugged, a six-episode TV series… Read more »
At Home: Adopt a Bee Bumblebees may be a crucial part of the agricultural and natural cycle, but few urban and suburban dwellers are happy to discover them lurking around the front porch. Fear of stings (and of insects in general) prompts many to exterminate bumblebee colonies despite the long-term benefits of their presence. However,… Read more »
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