Actions speak louder than words, but images can speak loudest of all. In fact, as the old saying goes, pictures are worth a thousand words?and in today’s visually-oriented culture, where quick, image-related stimuli are a primary means of propagating brands and concepts, they may be worth much, much more. So when you create a picture,… Read more »
Volume 19 Issue 42 - 11/04/2011
AUSU congratulates new party leaders! AU students are spread all over Canada and the world, but AU’s funding comes from the Government of Alberta, so It’s important for us, as AU students, to remain aware of political issues in Alberta. Alberta’s political parties have recently undergone some transitions, as both the Progressive Conservative and Liberal… Read more »
Since Alberta introduced its Distracted Driving legislation two months ago, I’ve been paying more attention to who is coming down the road toward me. Because I really can’t differentiate among most makes and models of vehicles, I rarely, even around home, look at oncoming drivers and expect to recognize them?let alone see what they’re doing…. Read more »
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If you love books, You’re probably a fan of words in almost any form?the rhythm of them, the sound of them. And you probably also delight in text being brought to life by talented readers and writers, no matter what the topic. I recently discovered (and rediscovered) a couple of podcasts that combine the best… Read more »
Album: Jan Wouter Oostenrijk, Sharqi Blues (2010) Artists: Jan Wouter Oostenrijk, guitar; Karim Darwish, drums; Karim Ziad, drums; Salex Abdikader, Oriental keys; Joost Swart, jazz keys; Marco van den Akker, bass; Bas Bouma, drums Oostenrijk Meets the Dark Man at Another New Crossroads ?I like to be inspired and challenged. Inspiration can come from people,… Read more »
Have you ever pondered the air you breathe? It may be invisible, but It’s not as clear as you think?even indoors. A dizzying number of items in our houses and offices are constantly off-gassing volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, into the air. These VOCs are toxic in various degrees, and some are associated with (or… Read more »
At Home: Raising the Dead Halloween may have come and gone, but that doesn’t mean the creepy tales are put aside ?til next October. One recent news story is sure to put shivers down the spine: in a case both strange and sad, a Moncton, N.B., woman has made a request to exhume the body… Read more »
November’s begun, which means that the NaNoWriMo phenomenon is in full swing. Participants in National Novel Writing Month sign on to complete a 15,000-word short novel in just 30 days, and local and online support groups abound for authors attempting to work within the guidelines. But NaNoWriMo isn’t the only place you’ll find writers struggling… Read more »
If vocabulary and word issues have you in a creative rut, consider checking out the online Visual Thesaurus. The innovative site doesn’t simply list synonyms, but instead creates colour-coded word maps with synonyms, antonyms, and slight variations in meaning laid out spatially in an ?intuitive interface.? In conjunction with the visual thesaurus-dictionary, Visual Thesaurus also… Read more »
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