The Olympics are coming to a close, and once more the drama of shocking wins and disappointing losses will fade away as we gear up for our more hectic fall and winter schedules. And yet there’s one thing that will stay with me for good, I think: the somewhat counterintuitive thought that sometimes, It’s better… Read more »
Volume 20 Issue 30 - 08/10/2012
AU Students urge candidates to improve university funding AU students are concerned about the financial health of Athabasca University and the effect of recent news stories on the reputation of the AUSU membership. A recent CBC report notes that in recent years the university has made a series of reserve draws to cover budget shortfalls,… Read more »
By the time we finish, I will have spent six days out of an already short life helping my mom prepare for and work her moving sale. She and George are moving into a seniors’ housing complex. It is a 1200 square foot, four-bedroom half-duplex with double garage, deck, and a small plot of grass… Read more »
If You’re looking for a summer treat, you could always go for ice cream or a dip in the pool. But how about a trio of free, open source graphics and page layout programs that will bring your words and pictures together in all sorts of creative ways? Did I have you at free? Good…. Read more »
Typically early September is when AU has its highest enrollment, as this is when graduating high school students or people seeking to re-enter school start looking for options. Whether You’re a new student or continuing with a long-term educational plan, here are some tools you may not have known about: The AU Math Site has… Read more »
Film: The Sunset Limited (2011) Director: Tommy Lee Jones Screenwriter: Cormac McCarthy Cast: Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson ?BLACK: If it ain’t got the lingering scent of divinity to it I ain’t interested in it. WHITE: ?The lingering scent of divinity?? BLACK: You like that? WHITE: Yeah, It’s not bad. BLACK: Heard it on… Read more »
The Global Reach of an American Skins Phenomenon ?It’s traditional, when paying compliment to drummers, to draw comparisons with the octopus, implying agility beyond the means of a paltry pair of human hands. But when considering John Hollenbeck, the multi-limbed creature that seems most appropriate to invoke is the mythical hydra; for while Hollenbeck is… Read more »
?All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field.? Albert Einstein ?Universal peace is declared, and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry.” George… Read more »
At Home: Personal Tour Guide You’ve got online guides and walking guides and exhibits. Now, with an innovative new model, the Royal BC Museum in Victoria lets you use your smart phone to navigate all three. As The Globe and Mail reports, the technology involves an ?indoor navigation system? that uses ?wifi hotspots to pinpoint… Read more »
You’re committed to the next step in your educational journey. Congratulations! Now comes the difficult question: how are you going to pay for it? Navigating the maze of financial aid information out there can be overwhelming, but CanLearn will give you a good start in the right direction. CanLearn, an online resource from the Government… Read more »
As the 2012 Summer Olympics wraps up this weekend, enjoy this smattering of trivia, quizzes, and more: Olympic Body Match ?Olympic athletes come in all shapes and sizes,? the BBC claims. Where do you fall on the spectrum, and which athlete is your body type match? Try it out if you dare! Weird Sports While… Read more »
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