Maryam Adham is an AU student living in Calgary. Originally from Oregon, Maryam moved to Montreal after getting married, and eventually moved to Alberta. Maryam is working on a double major in Psychology and English. Maryam was recently interviewed by The Voice Magazine about school, psychology, and procrastination. Describe the path that led you to… Read more »
Volume 23 Issue 23 - 06/05/2015
Last week we began looking at how to spell company names, brand names, and trademarked words and phrases in your writing. As I noted, it’s important to get brand or trademarked names right?while minimizing distractions to the reader. This sometimes means bending the rules of grammar, punctuation, and usage in order to accommodate the uniqueness… Read more »
For years I believed that if I read anything other than non-fiction I was wasting my time. I knew that, in one short lifetime, there were more books I absolutely must read than there was time to read them. Or, if I did tackle some fiction, it had to be the ?good stuff.? What snobs… Read more »
There is nothing more that The Study Dude wants for you than to make an entire room erupt in friendly laughter at some quick-witted, light-hearted, non-hurtful remark you make. Well, in these articles, as The Study Dude, I’ll try to give you the study tips you need to help make your learning easier. I’ll also… Read more »
Whether It’s rats in a maze or chimps in a cage, science has a long history of using animals for research. The debate on biomedical research is often heated, but what we don’t usually consider is what happens to the animals after they’re no longer needed. One recent story shows that It’s an urgent question?and… Read more »
Film: Banksy Does New York Director: Chris Moukarbel “There are crimes that become innocent and even glorious through their splendour, number and excess.” “When you go to an art gallery you are simply a tourist looking at the trophy cabinet of a few millionaires.” ? Banksy He didn’t apply for an arts grant. He didn’t… Read more »
The languid May air hovers around me as I work in my orchard. Time seems to stand still. A single hopeful mosquito buzzes past my cheek and disappears amidst the leaves. It’s a ponderous afternoon for me, having just returned home from my Grandmother’s memorial service. I am full of images and stories from her… Read more »
Dear Barb: My husband and I have been married for two and a half years. He tends to be a very secretive person and rarely talks about his feelings or anything at all really. I knew he was like that when I married him, but, stupid me, I thought things would get better and he… Read more »
Album: Beginnings Band: OzGoode I love hearing new bands. I am always so excited to hear what they have to say and the style they choose to get their message across. I love it even more when a band feels confident enough in their music to produce their first EP and present it to the… Read more »
No Dry County is a Texan indie band revelling in rootsy Americana, folk, and classic rock, expressed beautifully in tight harmonies and with a passionate stage presence. Their first full-length album, The Night Before, was just released this March. Recently the band’s vocalist, Trent Langford, took the time to talk to Wanda Waterman about the… Read more »
Navigating the AU Library’s website can take some patience and practice. And, even if you think you know how to get around, major website renovations in late 2014 may leave you feeling a bit lost. The folks at the AU Library want to help you find your way. AU’s library recently hosted a Library Orientation… Read more »
The last few months were extremely busy with courses. I got a lot accomplished in a short(ish) amount of time, however, this has the side-effect of leaving me burnt out. It leaves me wondering if it is worthwhile to go at that pace and then struggle for a couple weeks to motivate myself again. This… Read more »
Volume 23, issue 23. If you’re a fan of the work of Robert Anton Wilson, that would make this an auspicious issue indeed. And while I could probably go on at length here about corruption in power and groups that meet behind closed doors to discuss what they plan to do with our resources, dreams,… Read more »
AUSU Student Forums There were no new posts this week, but students continued discussions about online vs. paper exams, AUSU spending, and course GEOL 207. AthaU Facebook Group Samir wonders whether it’s permissible to us Chegg for assignments. Heidi posts some questions about switching to a Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) program. Jesse seeks advice… Read more »
Summer vacation’s just around the corner?and thanks to technology, you can do your planning more easily than ever. While you may already be aware of popular apps that help you find the best travel deals (Expedia, Orbitz, Priceline, and Kayak, to name a few), be sure to check out these lesser-known but incredibly helpful partners… Read more »
This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact with questions or comments about this page. IMPORTANT DATES ? June 10: Last day to register for courses starting July 1 ? June 10: AUSU Council Meeting ? June 11-13: Convocation at AU! Congratulations! ? June 15:… Read more »
I almost missed the fact that AUSU council held an e-mail vote to decide whether or not to call a by-election to fill a vacant council spot. The current council is a year and a bit into its term and in the interest of transparency I for one would like to know the rationale council… Read more »