Dr. Maiga Chang is an associate professor in AU’s School of Information and Computing Sciences and is the New Initiative Chair on executive board of the IEEE Technical Committee of Learning Technology. He recently took some time to be interviewed for The Voice Magazine, and this is the first part of that three-part interview. Your… Read more »
Volume 24 Issue 14 - 04/08/2016
Band: Operators Album: Blue Wave Often electronic music tends to drone on and on and listeners can go through an entire album with little interest or effort on their part. But Blue Wave is not that kind of electronic music. The tracks on Blue Wave are full of such intense energy that you’ll be drawn… Read more »
Dr. Dron, course designer of COMP 266, Introduction to Web Programming, provides an interview on what makes his course unique from so many others at AU. What makes the course particularly interesting to you as the creator, the designer, or the instructor? The challenge of building social pedagogies into a fairly dry, skill-based subject and,… Read more »
There is nothing more that The Study Dude wants for you than to introduce a new theory like AU’s Dr. George Siemens did. don’t hesitate: add to the thimble of qualitative theories. Well, in these articles, as The Study Dude, I’ll try to give you the study tips you need to help make your learning… Read more »
The Split Seconds are a pop-punk band from Washington DC. Known for minimalist garage band style, they’ve taken the stage at DC9, The Treehouse Lounge, and The Wonderland Ballroom, among others venues. (You can watch the video of their song “Cutting Out” from their soon-to-be-released debut album, here.) Recently the band got together to answer… Read more »
Have you tried to buy runners lately? Let me rephrase that. Have you tried to buy walkers; runners; cross-trainers; or shoes for basketball, golf, tennis; or casual and lifestyle shoes; hiking and outdoor shoes; skate shoes; indoor court shoes; and shoes with cleats? God help us all. I was in Sportchek® the other day and… Read more »
Last week we had an article from Barb Lehtiniemi about some of the dangers that come from changing the bylaws, as well as a letter from Colleen Doucette, the outgoing VP External about student engagement, and that got me thinking. We also received a response to Colleen’s letter from another student, where she argues that… Read more »
It’s lonely being an AU student. Sitting here in my campus of one, I sometimes feel like the only student walking this path. Occasionally my campus expands to include a tutor or two, and a handful of virtual students on social media. Phone or in-person conversations with students are rare?and treasured. But I’m not alone… Read more »
The last essay for the last undergrad course at AU?after four years I expected the submission button to become easier to press. This proved to be wildly inaccurate. My final essay was, at least to memory, the most difficult to send. I was closing the door on a chapter of my life, and a chapter… Read more »
Hello AUSU members! As some of you may know, AUSU is in the process of updating our bylaw amendment process, which we are required to do in order to bring them into alignment with the Post-secondary Learning Act (PSLA) – the legislation that governs student associations in Alberta. Last year, AUSU was made aware that… Read more »
AthaU Facebook Group Cassandra reports that, after completing her final exam for MKTG 406, she was informed she’d been given the wrong exam. Stephanie seeks info on how to reference a course study guide in an essay. Sean wants to know if the AUSU Forums are gone. Other posts include AU’s Open Magazine, obsessive screen… Read more »
Canadian Education cheap compared to the United States The Globe and Mail suggests that some students from the United States might take their studies to Canada because of lower costs. With the Canadian dollar down, the US dollar is functionally up. This means comparable education is less money. Some students are wising up to that… Read more »
This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact ausu@ausu.org with questions or comments about this page. IMPORTANT DATES – April 10: Deadline to register in a course starting May 1 – April 14: Council changeover meeting & second reading of bylaw changes – April 15: May… Read more »
Dear Editor; As a full-time student in an multidisciplinary program I was a little disappointed at the admonishing tone from Colleen Doucette’s letter to the editor. How could you (Colleen) be surprised at the low turn out when the average student balances work, family, volunteering, and school-life and a meeting gets scheduled for supper time…. Read more »
Hi Karl, Just read your editorial, Hidden Crimes, from the March 25th issue. I don’t think you can compare someone in an abusive relationship to this case. These people were just dating and I don’t believe they had any commitment to each other, such as kids, long term relationship etc, which would cause them to… Read more »