Vol. 24 Iss. 16

Volume 24 Issue 16 - 04/22/2016

Meeting the Minds – Dr. Maiga Chang, Part II

Dr. Maiga Chang is an associate professor in AU’s School of Information and Computing Sciences and is the New Initiative Chair on executive board of the IEEE Technical Committee of Learning Technology. His research interests include mobile learning and ubiquitous learning, museum e-learning, game-based learning, educational robots, learning behaviour analysis, data mining, intelligent agent technology,… Read more »

Meeting the Minds – Dr. Angie Abdou

Dr. Angie Abdou is an assistant professor in the English department, specializing in creative writing. Dr. Abdou’s own creative writing has won awards and media recognition. Please fill us in on the range of course you have taught or designed at Athabasca. Dr. Abdou: I am in charge of the writing courses, primarily. I do… Read more »

Music Review – Jordan Klassen

Musician: Jordan Klassen Album: Javelin I firmly believe that music is one of the best medicines. Music is always there when you need it, a band-aid for a hurt soul, a warm blanket for a wounded heart. Through music, people share experiences, emotions, and thoughts when words fail. And music like that created by Jordan… Read more »

The Study Dude

There is nothing more that The Study Dude wants for you than to start your paper with punch?journalistic style. Well, in these articles, as The Study Dude, I’ll try to give you the study tips you need to help make your learning easier. I’ll also give you straight and honest opinions and personal anecdotes?even the… Read more »

In Conversation with Gideon’s Army

Gideon’s Army is a New York based rock band notable for inspired southern-rock style of music and lyrics. In 2014 the band’s founder, singer/songwriter/guitarist Robert Bray, wrote all the lyrics and music for their first album, Burn For the Living, as well as for their second album, King of the League, released January 2016. Recently… Read more »

Council Connection

Being a distance council comes with some unique challenges, and some of those were apparent at the April 14th, AUSU council meeting. This was a very busy meeting as it had councillors from both the previous, out-going council, as well as the five new councillors-elect, who took over near the end of the meeting. The… Read more »

From Where I Sit – What We Eat

What we eat is a complicated matter. On any given day it’s likely determined by some stew consisting of money, time, and effort. Because the ingredients are interconnected it’s impossible to see where one begins and the other ends. Money may determine if we eat out or prepare something at home. It will affect whether… Read more »

Dear Barb – Dependants in Need

Dear Barb: Hi, I am a single mother who is working toward my degree at AU, but it is slow going since I can’t afford to take more than one course at a time. My daughter is five years old and we have been living alone since her father left three years ago. Back then… Read more »

Editorial – Gotta Have Faith

This week, we have the council connection report that looked at the meeting where the changes to AUSU Bylaws were approved, as well as changes to the Referendums and Plebiscites policy. AUSU members now have no binding powers over the organization or AUSU Council, with the exception of being able to choose Council during elections?elections… Read more »

Sailing Schedule for AUSU Scholarships

Have you applied for an AUSU scholarship yet? The deadline for the current award period is May 1, only days away. don’t let these ships sail without you! AUSU holds two scholarship periods each year, during which students can apply for five award types. Additionally, AUSU accepts applications year-round for three types of bursaries. Full… Read more »

Coffee, Tea, and Booze

A cliché which follows writers is that they are hopelessly addicted to coffee, and when they get the jitters (which takes a lot) they move onto the watered down version of caffeine intake, tea. Then, charged full of caffeine, the only way they can settle their mind is to counter these effects with, you guessed… Read more »

Student Sizzle! – AU Social Medial

AthaU Facebook Group Kelly is taking her first e-text course and seeks advice on e-readers. Julie seeks feedback on PSYC courses 400, 470, and 476. Ian wonders if AU students can access U of Calgary’s library. Other posts include PLAR, plagiarism software, assignment grading, and courses ENGL 308, HSRV 201, MUSI 267, and ORGB 386…. Read more »

Women of Interest – Dr. Jennie Smilie Robertson

Dr. Jennie Smillie Robertson was born February 10, 1878 in Hensall, Ontario, and died in 1981 in Toronto, Ontario. She was Canada’s first female surgeon. Dr. Smillie began her career as a teacher until she could save enough money to attend Kingston’s Ontario Medical School. When she graduated in 1909, she had to do her… Read more »

Canadian Education News

International students in Moncton encouraged to stay Moncton, New Brunswick wants international students to stay following graduation. The City of Moncton hosted a job fair to introduce international students to local employers. They offered 200 job opportunities for post-graduate employment, co-op work placements and summer employment, as well as opportunities in banking, education and insurance…. Read more »

AUSU News!

This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact ausu@ausu.org with questions or comments about this page. IMPORTANT DATES – April 29: May course extension deadline – April 30: Deadline to apply for 2016 Convocation – May 6: Deadline to complete coursework for Convo?16 – May 10:… Read more »