Heather Fox is an AU student from Alberta. She is in the BSC Human Science Major (PD) program and also works part time from home as the office manager for a counselling service. The Voice Magazine recently interviewed Heather by e-mail. Here’s what she had to say about school, touring Newfoundland, and why education is… Read more »
Volume 24 Issue 21 - 05/27/2016
Want to consider yourself an expert? Than do something that K. Anders Ericsson, author of Peak, calls “purposeful practice.” Purposeful practice leads to better results than mindless repetitive practice. In fact, according to Ericsson, long-term, repetitive practice can sometimes deteriorate rather than improve skills. Ericsson says no known limitation to human potential has been discovered…. Read more »
There is nothing more that The Study Dude wants for you than to know when to break the rules. Well, in these articles, as The Study Dude, I’ll try to give you the study tips you need to help make your learning easier. I’ll also give you straight and honest opinions and personal anecdotes?even the… Read more »
Musician: Butcher Knives Album: Misery Throughout my studies at Athabasca University I have been encouraged to approach the world just a little bit differently and with an open and flexible understanding. I have spent hours mulling over a philosophical concepts originating from a culture much different from my own, determining the significant differences between an… Read more »
Have you ever slept with someone who snores? Have you been tempted to smother said person with a pillow, to once and for all, get some blessed silence? Do you have the misfortune of being the one who doesn’t fall asleep first? Have you stared at the ceiling hoping for a break in the rumbling… Read more »
Dear Barb: My wife and I recently divorced. We had been married for ten years and have one daughter who is fourteen years old. My wife has had addiction problems throughout our marriage. She comes from a family where addiction and substance abuse problems are rampant. Eventually it became too much for me, so my… Read more »
You can’t Bury Them All poems by Patrick Woodcock “I sit in the palms of the street beggars you ignore, cover myself in grass and straw to watch mothers, unlike you, mourn. I sit on the back of seagulls defacing your monuments.” – Patrick Woodcock, from the poem “I sit on the backs of seagulls,”… Read more »
It’s a bit odd, when a disaster strikes, how many people are willing to help, and how far the help goes, yet, minus the disaster, we’re perfectly willing to let people suffer, starve, or far worse. What brought this to mind is the two new bursaries created by AU for victims of natural disasters. As… Read more »
Whoever said, “summertime and the living is easy” probably wasn’t a homeowner. All winter you look forward to the warm weather of summer. Trudging through late winter’s grainy slush you begin to anticipate the smell of freshly-mown grass, the crisp taste of icy beers on the deck, a refreshing dip in the pool. You wait… Read more »
University students, no matter what degree they are taking, require a healthy dose of creativity. I am not talking about those Arts students (of which I am one) who seek a career with words or music or visual art. Any degree requires a healthy dose of creativity to finish those essays and assignments and complete… Read more »
When I first started with Athabasca University I was unsure on how many courses I should take at once, or how long each course should take me. I tried to plan out my program without the necessary experience to understand these basic things. I see this question often in various AU social media platforms. And… Read more »
Clue to origins of life in Sudbury, Ontario Scientists have discovered a possible clue to the origins of life. A “team headed by Dublin’s Trinity College in Ireland have found geological clues in Sudbury, Ont. that may help unlock more secrets of life’s origins.” PhD student Edel O’Sullivan studied the Sudbury crater to understand it…. Read more »
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born November 12, 1815 and died October 26, 1902. She was an American suffragist and a leader in the Women’s Rights Movement. She was also an abolitionist who, along with her husband, reformer Harry Stanton, attended the World’s Anti-Slavery Convention in 1840. In July, 1848, she compiled the Declaration of Sentiments,… Read more »
AthaU Facebook Group Zuzie inquires how many times a student can repeat a course at AU. Caitlyn seeks help interpreting an instruction for an APA-format reference statement. Kelly shares early-morning musings on whether It’s better to keep studying or to sleep. Other posts include essay limits , the trouble with cats, and courses CMNS 333,… Read more »
This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact ausu@ausu.org with questions or comments about this page. IMPORTANT DATES – May 31: June course extension deadline – June 9-11: 2016 Convocation – June 10: Deadline to register in a course starting July 1 – June 14: AUSU… Read more »
Hi Karl, Your May 20 editorial prompted me to think back on the most satisfying and productive positions I have held over a long and varied career at senior levels. In each of those situations, the organizations were led and staffed by individuals who were highly committed to seeing things they believed in get done,… Read more »