Jessica Avery is a Bachelor of Professional Arts Student who is nearing graduation from the Communications Studies program. She was kind enough to take a few moments from a busy family and school life to talk with The Voice Magazine. First of all, whereabouts do you live? And have you always lived there? I am… Read more »
Volume 24 Issue 27 - 07/15/2016
At first my nephew and I thought the military museum had been deserted?not a soul seemed to stir?but eventually someone emerged from the shadowy depths of the ticket office and took our dinars, one each for entering and two extra for the privilege of taking photos. Soon a friendly guide showed up, opened the great… Read more »
There is nothing more that The Study Dude wants for you than to report on your fantastic findings. Well, in these articles, as The Study Dude, I’ll try to give you the study tips you need to help make your learning easier. I’ll also give you straight and honest opinions and personal anecdotes?even the embarrassing… Read more »
Musician: Gideon’s Army Album: King of the League Coming hot at you from New York, southern-infused rock collective, Gideon’s Army, released their third full length album this past May. Recorded with Anthony “Rocky” Gallo (Bon Jovi, John Legend, Nora Jones) at Virtue and Vice recording studio in Brooklyn, southern-rock enthusiasts can expect some epic vocals,… Read more »
Unless You’re in the middle of a media fast, you’ve probably seen some discussion of the violence in the United States the past few weeks. Well, less like discussion and more like screaming at each other?there’s not a whole lot of listening going on, I’d say. Lots of talking though, and there’s one thing I… Read more »
A couple of guys my husband knows raved about the Tilted Kilt restaurant and pub. Because we needed to eat and were tired of the usual haunts, we thought we’d check it out. We were no sooner through the door that we both knew exactly what the attraction was for these guys. It wasn’t the… Read more »
Dear Barb: I am in my early thirties and working as a waitress while finishing my degree in social work at AU. My fiancée and I are planning to get married this coming September. I grew up in a large farm family as did my fiancée. I no longer work on the farm, as I… Read more »
In my life, I have had many negative role models and one heavenly role model. My negative role model, my brother, modeled many behaviors that didn’t serve me well in life, including a biting sarcasm and his loathe of Christianity. Yet, I love him all the same. But my heavenly role model, my boyfriend, models… Read more »
Once again France is in the news for reasons it would rather not be. If you’ve been too deep in your studies to catch the news, a person deliberately drove a large truck into a festival of people in Nice who were celebrating Bastille Day. The driver then got out and started shooting randomly before… Read more »
Another successful convocation has recently wrapped up at Athabasca University, but there is one debate around obtaining degrees in general that just will not go away. That is, whether there is any value to getting an Arts degree. The general argument is that Arts degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on, or… Read more »
Summer can play havoc with your studies. Many people look forward to summer with its long days and warmer weather. While most university students have a summer break from their studies, AU students often keep at it year round. Studying in summer has its advantages. A few extra statutory holidays provide some bonus time, longer… Read more »
A couple weeks ago I read an article written by an ex-tutor from AU. I had discovered, through discussions with tutors and various other reports, that the moral of AU tutors was at an all time low. In conjunction with this, students were upset that the service being received from some tutors was going downhill…. Read more »
Recently, I was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy. I’d never heard of this condition, so decided to do some research. Cardiomyopathy, it turns out, is a disease of the heart muscle, and most people don’t know that they have it until they have symptoms or are tested by having an echocardiogram. I learned there are four… Read more »
AthaU Facebook Group Jody seeks advice on Calgary residency options while in the Masters of Counselling program. Erin needs help deciding between three PSYC courses. John posts a link to AU’s contingency plans in the event of a labour disruption at Canada Post. Other posts include student discount for Microsoft Office, comparing APA and ASA… Read more »
This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact with questions or comments about this page. IMPORTANT DATES – July 15: August degree requirements deadline – July 29: August course extension deadline – Aug 4: AU Open House Webinar – Aug 9: AUSU Council Meeting –… Read more »