Vol. 26 Iss. 34

Volume 26, Issue 34 - 08/31/2018

Minds We Meet—AUSU Councillor Lisa Oracheski

Lisa Oracheski is a Councillor for the Athabasca University Students’ Union.  Here we get to know one of our fabulous AUSU councillors. How brought you to AU? I originally joined AU in 2008 as a non-program student taking Psychology 289 to determine if I enjoyed the subject.  It turned out that I loved the course… Read more »

Porkpie Hat—All Who Wander are not Lost

To put it kindly, my years of formal education were a mess.  In elementary school, I was “The Little Engine That Couldn’t,” trying to haul freight cars filled with thunderstorms and shadows along torn-up rails, over jagged, bleak mountain passes. Predictably, my high school years were a battleground.  I was forever behind enemy lines, learning… Read more »

The Not-So Starving Student—DIY Southern Style Chili

Upon reflecting about the number of times I line up at Tim Hortons for their hearty Southern-Style chili, I finally mustered the motivation to attempt my own interpretation of the Southern Style Chili. Chilies make a sumptuous, healthy dinner and meal option for students.  Particularly with the aid of an Instant Pot, the actual time… Read more »

The Fit Student—How to Snare Secrets

Would you fib to nudge a friend to spill secrets?  A white lie may coax a secret but leave you feeling low-down.  Yet, loads of people lie. For instance, I confessed to a store clerk I could hardly swim—just dog paddle and backstroke.   She admitted she couldn’t swim either.  We giggled.  So, I let it… Read more »

Course Exam—IDRL 215

IDRL 215 (Introduction to Labour Relations) is a three-credit applied studies (business and administrative) course that is an introduction to the economic, legal, political, and social aspects of union-management relations, and serves as a foundation for other IDRL courses.  Specifically, IDRL 215 looks at contemporary issues in labour relations and examines union organization and structure,… Read more »

Dear Barb—My Sister wants to be my Surrogate!

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for three years and we’ve had no luck.  We followed all the specialist advice, and even tried IVF and nothing has worked.  I became pregnant 8 times and lost the baby each time.  My sister has two children of her own and has volunteered to… Read more »

25 Money Saving Tips for Students

There’s no getting around the fact that paying for university is more expensive than ever.  If you aren’t aware of where your finances are at, it can cost you thousands of wasted bucks over the course of a year that could be funding your future instead. From pennies to thousands of dollars, these money saving… Read more »

Editorial—Help Wanted

This week, we move away from interviewing the GSA to interview one of our own AUSU Councillors.  Scott Jacobsen spoke with AUSU Councillor Lisa Oracheski some time ago, and today we present that interview as our Feature article. Also this week, we have a new writer who goes by the name of Darjeeling Jones who… Read more »


Fall has always been my favourite season, I do enjoy certain aspects of them all, but Fall has always been, and probably always will bel, on top.  It isn’t because I love the changing colours (though I do) but because of the feeling of progress and excitement that it instills in me.  The chilled morning… Read more »

Scholarship of the Week

Scholarship name:  Jason Lang Scholarship Sponsored by:  Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund Deadline:  September 15, 2018 Potential payout:  $1000 Eligibility restriction:  Nominees must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents, be Alberta residents, be enrolled in an undergrad or professional program of at least two years in length, and have completed at least 80% of a full… Read more »

AU-Thentic Events

AU Open House Wed, September 5, 10:00 to 11:00 am MDT Online Hosted by Athabasca University www.athabascau.ca/discover/open-house/ Register online at above link second session:  Wednesday, September 5, 5:00 to 6:00 pm MDT Online MBA Info Session Wed, September 5, 10:00 to 11:00 am MDT Online Hosted by AU Faculty of Business business.athabascau.ca/event-details/online-mba-executives-information-session-12/ Register online at… Read more »

AUSU Update!

This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact services@ausu.org with any questions. IMPORTANT DATES August 24th: Athabasca Meet & Greet August 31st: AUSU Twitter Giveaway closes September 3rd: AUSU Office is closed for Labour Day September 13th: Public Council Meeting FYi Doctors Discounts FYi Doctor is… Read more »

Student Sizzle!

AthaU Facebook Group Lesley seeks feedback on ENGL 305 Literature for Children; based on overwhelmingly positive reviews she decides to enroll in the course.  Chanelle needs six science credits and students offer their course recommendations. Other posts include writing an exam past the course contract date, creative uses for old study notes, Jason’s rant of… Read more »