Vol. 27 Iss. 44

Volume 27, Issue 44 - 11/15/2019

Minds We Meet—Heather Guerette

Psychology major, Heather Guerette, is a 41-year-old wife and mother of three teenagers living in Sarnia, Ontario.  She is currently in her final semester of the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology 3-year program at AU and has given us her feedback on the program and on her experience studying at Athabasca University.  Can you provide… Read more »

Porkpie Hat—Party Time

To me, the beginning of December through to New Year’s is the only time of year when I actually look forward to socializing. For the rest of the year, I’m about as approachable as a Gila monster, and have little interest in hosting gatherings of any kind. In the springtime, I prefer to spend my… Read more »

How to be Charming

I know a soul who charms the world.  She’s the alpha female, the one every toe points toward in a chitchat.   She can read your mind, fix your problems, and make you feel like you belong.  Men fall for her nonstop, men half her age, men twice her age, men who show up at her… Read more »

Fly on the Wall—Walking Sticks and in Another’s Shoes

John Cowper Powys’ classic novel A Glastonbury Romance illustrates how, with a little effort and some natural inclination, we can come to understand the perspective of someone else and, for a time, walk the same path with them.  At AU, that means that we need to translate our course material into digestible morsels for the… Read more »

The Study Dude—Is Being Studious One of Your Gifts?

I saw a near death experience (NDE) video.  The female, who had an NDE, said she died and went into a brilliant light of unbelievable love.  She said, during her short stint in the light, she discovered that God gives us all gifts, each gift unique.  Her gifts were inner beauty and patience.  But after… Read more »

Course Exam—HIST 202

HIST 202 (Western Thought and Culture II: Since the Reformation) is a three-credit introductory history course that is the second of two three-credit courses. Together, they survey the development of Western civilization from its origins in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt to the complicated and sophisticated world of the post-industrial era.  This course has no prerequisites,… Read more »

Dear Barb—Sick of the Sickness

Dear Barb: I work in an office with about 15 other people. We all get along well for the most part. My issue is people coming to work when they are sick. Why would someone do that and end up making everyone else sick? Two weeks ago our receptionist came in coughing and sneezing, so… Read more »

Is Sugar Really Bad For Us?

We all know that eating too much trans-fat or sugar is bad for our health, right? But why is that, and why do we keep eating it?  With school and other stress in our lives, is it possible to avoid it? Well, sugar is bad for us in several ways.  First, it overloads your liver… Read more »

Editorial—An Anchor on their Necks

What fun times in education these days. The Ohio state government has just amended their legislation with a piece called the Ohio Student Religious Liberties Act of 2019 that says, in part, “No school district board of education, … shall prohibit a student from engaging in religious expression in the completion of homework, artwork, or… Read more »

The Zen of Sullivan’s Travels

“There’s a lot to be said for making people laugh.  Did you know that’s all some people have? It isn’t much, but it’s better than nothing in this cockeyed caravan.”                                                                                         -John L.  Sullivan in Sullivan’s Travels “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” did seem like an odd title for a film.  Rumored to have been lifted… Read more »

AUSU Update

This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact services@ausu.org with any questions. IMPORTANT DATES Nov 15: Dec degree requirements deadline Nov 21: AUSU Public Council Meeting Nov 30: Deadline to apply for course extension for Jan Dec 10: Deadline to register in a course starting Jan… Read more »

Porkpie Hat—Party Time

To me, the beginning of December through to New Year’s is the only time of year when I actually look forward to socializing. For the rest of the year, I’m about as approachable as a Gila monster, and have little interest in hosting gatherings of any kind. In the springtime, I prefer to spend my… Read more »

AU-Thentic Events

Wikipedia and Academic Research Thurs, Nov 20, 2:00 to 3:30 pm MST Online Hosted by AU Library library.athabascau.ca/orientations.html No pre-registration necessary AUSU November Council Meeting Thurs, Nov 21, 6:30 to 8:00 pm MST Online Hosted by AUSU www.ausu.org/event/november-council-meeting-5/ No pre-registration required; e-mail governance@ausu.org for meeting package Looking ahead… AU Seasonal Cheer events in Calgary, Edmonton,… Read more »

Scholarship of the Week!

Scholarship name:  Prime Scholarship Sponsored by:  Prime Medical Deadline:  December 15, 2019 Potential payout:  $1000 Eligibility restriction:  Applicants must be working toward a two- or four-year degree, with the intention of becoming an RN or LPN upon graduation. What’s required:  A completed application form, along with a maximum 500-word personal statement, and at least one… Read more »

Student Sizzle—AU Social Media

AthaU Facebook Group Group admin JoAnne reminds students to use their tutor as their primary resource—not other students.  Razanne wonders how heavily PSYC courses rely on the textbook; responders suggest very heavily, indeed.  Abeer seeks recommendations for courses with no exams; students respond with their exam-free faves. Other posts include citing an AU study guide,… Read more »