Vol. 28 Iss. 24

Volume 28, Issue 24 - 06/12/2020

Remembering Stonewall—Celebrating Pride Month in COVID-19

Amidst protests decrying police brutality facing Black Americans and new Albertan legislation that may be affecting the very right to protest, we enter Pride month, a celebration of queer rights, whose origins can be traced back to a riot. Despite the cancellation of this year’s Pride parades because of the pandemic, June remains a joyful,… Read more »

The Fit Student—Starting your Business

Do you have a hobby, a passion, a skill, a brimming curiosity about something? If so, you could have a business ready to go by the time you finish reading this article.  I kid you not. “Dang, I’ve lost my job due to COVID!” So, what do you do?  Do what you’ve already been doing:… Read more »

Homemade is Better—Smoked Pulled Pork

I teased this recipe on my Facebook page a few weeks ago while I was cooking it.  A few years ago, my wife bought me a stand-up smoker for Christmas.  I have used this smoker so many times over the years and smoked a handful of different items in it.  Some have been great; some… Read more »

Fly on the Wall—Minds in Bubbles, Minds in a Vacuum

Explanatory prowess often begins with a metaphor.  Take bubbles, for instance.  They can be blown, popped, or inhabited.  Social distancing is inseparable from the metaphor of a bubble and distance education runs with the notion that each of our identities contains an inland empire of meaning and activity.  Likewise, the sky’s the limit in our… Read more »

The Not-So Starving Student—Novelty Ramen Noodles

The first thought that crosses most people’s minds when the word ramen is mentioned is college students, especially students who have moved out and are living independently in a college dorm.  However, another time that ramen might become a household favorite is during a time such as the global pandemic.  Since the early weeks of… Read more »

Beats from the Basement—Hillary Duff

Album: Metamorphosis Artist: Hilary Duff Milica Markovic Hilary Duff’s Metamorphosis was the first album I asked my mother to purchase for me when I was a child, so it holds a special place in my heart.  In the late 90s and early 2000s, I was an avid Disney Channel viewer; Lizzie Maguire, in which Duff… Read more »

Dear Barb—Reluctant to Reconcile

Dear Barb: I am the youngest of three who are all in our thirties now.  My oldest brother and I do not get along.  He has always been abusive and demeaning to me, so I decided to stop speaking to him.  That was five years ago.  Recently we learned my dad is not doing well. … Read more »

Editorial—Mea Culpa

Last week, we published an article about vaccines.  I was concerned about it then, and I wrote as much in my editorial.  But I had looked at it, I had determined that the sources it referenced were indeed good sources, and that the article also contained references to current scientific reasoning, in some cases completely… Read more »

How Music Unites Us

Music has unique ability to elicit an emotional and heartfelt response, especially during times of crisis.  COVID-19 has shown us that music transcends hardship and can provide us moments of respite, celebration, and joy amidst uncertainty. A spike in online music streaming Social media and online streaming platforms like TikTok and Spotify, have seen a… Read more »

AUSU Update

This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact services@ausu.org with any questions. IMPORTANT DATES  Jun 15: Jul degree requirements deadline Jun 17: AUSU Public Council Meeting Jun 30: Deadline to apply for course extension for Jul Jul 10: Deadline to register in a course starting Aug… Read more »

Scholarship of the Week

Scholarship name:  AWSN Scholarship Sponsored by:  AWSN Deadline:  July 4, 2020 Potential payout:  $3000 Eligibility restriction:  Applicants must be gender-minority full-time students in the second, third, or fourth year of an undergrad program in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics at an Alberta university, college, or technical institute. Refer to full eligibility criteria for an explanation… Read more »

AU-Thentic Events

Bannock and a Movie June Edition – Two Spirit Stories June 1 to June 30 Online Hosted by AU news.athabascau.ca/events/bannock-and-a-movie-two-spirit-stories Register through above link General Q&A about AU Mon, June 15, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm MDT Online Hosted by AU www.athabascau.ca/online-learning/how-au-works/open-house/ Register through above link AUSU Council Meeting Wed, June 17, 6:30 to 8:00… Read more »

Student Sizzle—AU Social Media

AthaU Facebook Group Amber asks how to fast-track prof approval for course enrolment before the deadline; a flurry of suggestions follow, including contacting the course coordinator.  Stephanie is hoping to cram several courses into a scheduled leave from work and is looking for tips—and of course other students have tips for that!  New student Refka… Read more »