Vol. 30 Iss. 12

Volume 30, Issue 12 - 03/25/2022

Minds We Meet—Lesley Mutschke

Who are your fellow students?  At times, in an online learning environment, it can feel like you are all alone, but across the nation and around the globe, students just like you are also pursuing their Athabasca University (AU) studies!  Each week, The Voice Magazine will be bringing you some of these stories.  If you… Read more »

Beyond Literary Landscapes—Fyodor Dostoevsky

From my early beginnings as a young introvert, the public library has always been a bit of a refuge.  Years later, not much has changed, albeit with an additional affinity for endless hours spent scouring second-hand bookstores to add to my ever-growing “to-read” pile. From one bookworm to another, this column will be underscoring and… Read more »

Local Shout-Out—Ottawa, Part I

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) estimates potential permanent closures of up to 222,000 small and medium-sized businesses, depending on how the situation evolves.  That’s 21 percent of all Canadian businesses.  The corresponding job losses would range between 962,000 and 2,951,000 Canadian workers. While most of us are struggling financially right now,… Read more »

Music Review—Bend the Iron

Artist: Handheld Album: A Canadian Tragedy Single: Bend The Iron Ontario punk band, Handheld, is releasing their newest album, A Canadian Tragedy, on June 14th, 2022. The first single, “Bend The Iron” is available to stream today, with the music video dropping on March 31st. Of the upcoming album, the band says, “Yes, sorry, we… Read more »

Dear Barb—Where There’s Not a Will

Dear Barb: My father just passed away and he didn’t have a will.  My mom passed away 10 years ago, and dad has been living with a woman for the past 4 years.  She is great, and we all like her.  I have two younger brothers.  My parents had a home that was paid off… Read more »

Editorial—Political Theatre Class

We continue to approach the United Conservative Party’s leadership review on April 9th here in Alberta, and as we approach, more information is coming out about Premier Kenney’s close involvement with what’s been called a kamikaze campaign.  In the process bringing him closer to the campaign finances that have already been the cause of many… Read more »

The Value of Joining a Board

I dare you to volunteer for the board of an organization.  If you take me up on this dare, you’ll encounter perks.  You’ll be viewed as a leader, for one, and such leadership skills are transferrable to senior corporate roles.  After all, I’m gunning for a CMO role, and I want to see you in… Read more »

Three Tips to Having a Successful Side Hustle

What are side hustles?  According to the Cambridge Dictionary it is “a piece of work or job that you have in addition to your main job”.  Truth be told, since I was in high school, I’ve always had a side hustle that I’m passionate about.  Whether it was tutoring, writing, or currently, growing my own… Read more »

Council Connection—March 17, 2022 Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm MST.  AUSU Executive Director Jodi Campbell was announced as the accessibility officer. The new President, Karen Fletcher read the land acknowledgement: “AUSU respectfully acknowledges we’re on and work on the traditional lands of the indigenous peoples, Inuit, First Nations, and Metis of Canada.  We honour the… Read more »

Comedy Specials—Dave Chapelle and Co.

When Dave Chapelle announced that he was back from pop culture isolation and was about to return to comedy, I knew he was going to ruffle some feathers.  As someone who has followed Dave since the Chapelle Show on Comedy Central from around the time I started high school, I was familiar with the nature… Read more »

Homemade is Better—Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich

I saw this breakfast sandwich in a dream, and when I woke up, I knew I had to make it.  We had some left-over pork loin from the night before, and it was perfectly sized for sandwiches.  I should have added some cheese and lettuce to bump it up a little, but hindsight is 50/50. … Read more »

What Will Make You Succeed as an Executive

To succeed in the top rung of an organization, you need at least two things going for you.  According to Forbes Magazine, you need people skills and measurable results.  If, like me, you feel you may not quite yet measure up fully to these standards, don’t worry.  You can learn anything you desire; you have… Read more »

Vintage Voice

The spectre of war looms just over the horizon, while the world holds its breath.  To distract ourselves, we hid out in The Voice‘s archives and found some relevant articles. Plunged into the action.  In one of the first articles The Voice published online (the earlier parts of this story are paper-only), Debbie Jabbour relates… Read more »

Scholarship of the Week

Scholarship name:  The Sabrina Shannon Memorial Award Sponsored by:  Food Allergy Canada Deadline:  April 4, 2022 Potential payout:  $1000 Eligibility restriction:  Applicants must Canadian residents, under the age of 25, and be entering their first year or continuing their studies at a post-secondary institution.  (Applicants do not need to have food allergies to be eligible.)… Read more »

Student Sizzle—AU Social Media

AthaU Facebook Group Kinda like eating the cookie before licking off the cream, though.  A student wonders if it’s permissible to write a final exam before completing all the assignments.  Responses suggest it’s possible, but not always advisable.  Bottom line:  check with the course tutor. Discord There’s no life like it.  A question in the… Read more »

AU-Thentic Events

Leading change in teaching and learning for a digital world MOOC Mar 27 to Apr 24 Online Hosted by AU and the Commonwealth of Learning news.athabascau.ca/events/leading-change-in-teaching-and-learning-for-a-digital-world-mooc/ Register through above link CHAT with AU Library Tues, Mar 29, 10:30 am to 2:30 pm MDT Online Hosted by AU Library library.athabascau.ca/page/ann No pre-registration necessary; access through CHAT… Read more »

AUSU Update!

This update is provided to The Voice by AUSU. Contact services@ausu.org with questions. Attention AU Students! AUSU’s Spring awards application period will be open from April 1-31. Visit our website now and check out the awards and bursaries open to AU undergrads this spring cycle. AUSU is also excited to announce that our Spring Awards… Read more »

Homemade is Better—Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich

I saw this breakfast sandwich in a dream, and when I woke up, I knew I had to make it.  We had some left-over pork loin from the night before, and it was perfectly sized for sandwiches.  I should have added some cheese and lettuce to bump it up a little, but hindsight is 50/50. … Read more »