Vol. 30 Iss. 16

Volume 30, Issue 16 - 04/22/2022

Minds we Meet—Shannon Miller

Who are your fellow students? At times, in an online learning environment, it can feel like you are all alone, but across the nation and around the globe, students just like you are also pursuing their Athabasca University (AU) studies!  Each week, The Voice Magazine will be bringing you some of these stories.  If you… Read more »

Fly on the Wall—Atoms Among Us, Atoms As Us

It’s been said that no person is an island, but could it be we’re each grains of sand forming a luscious beach?  The philosopher, Democritus, of Ancient Greece, suggested that all the world was made up of atoms, tiny particles that Lego®’d themself into semblances of order as rocks, trees, and humans.  “The atomists argued… Read more »

Local Shout-Out—Calgary and Area, Part IV

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) estimates potential permanent closures of up to 222,000 small and medium-sized businesses, depending on how the situation evolves.  That’s 21 percent of all Canadian businesses.  The corresponding job losses would range between 962,000 and 2,951,000 Canadian workers. While most of us are struggling financially right now,… Read more »

Three Vitamin Supplements You May Need

One of the questions I get a lot as a pharmacist is what vitamins should I take?  Do I just take a multivitamin and call it a day, or do I need more than that?  Vitamins are essential micronutrients for our bodies.  They help protect us from free radical damage, are integral to our metabolism… Read more »

Music Review—7 Billion People

Artist: Steve and Ginie Jackson Album: Colder Than the Sea Single: ”7 Billion People” Montreal acoustic folk duo Steve and Ginie Jackson have released their new single, “7 Billion People,” available anywhere you get your music.  The single is from Steve and Ginie’s upcoming album, Colder Than the Sea, available on May 26th, 2022.  The… Read more »

Beyond Literary Landscapes—Canada Reads 2022

From my early beginnings as a young introvert, the public library has always been a bit of a refuge.  Years later, not much has changed, albeit with an additional affinity for endless hours spent scouring second-hand bookstores to add to my ever-growing “to-read” pile. From one bookworm to another, this column will be underscoring and… Read more »

The Reading List—April 2022

Happy April!  I can’t believe winter is coming to an end.  The warm weather is slowly creeping up on us as all the snow melts away.  Many of us are planning for spring and summer plans while managing school and work.  For me, I’ve been busy keeping my six-month-old puppy busy while I try to… Read more »

Dear Barb—End Times

Hi, Barb, I have a situation and I don’t know how to resolve it.  My husband and I have been married for 9 years and, honestly, the relationship has never been easy, but we stuck with it.  But now it is becoming draining.  We can’t talk about anything.  Everything I bring up is a trigger… Read more »

Editorial—Out with the Old

The new AUSU Council was sworn in last night, along with the new executive group.  Brought in by acclamation, there remain empty seats on the Council that, if history is any guide, will have to be filled later as the current group thins out over the next two years. One interesting new development I noted,… Read more »

Optimize Your Time

Tired of spinning your wheels but getting very little done?  Sooner or later, we all face these lulls.  But with time management skills, we can optimize our time and spend it on high-value activities.  That means, we get more done with more bang in less time. Here is an introduction to time management.  Some of… Read more »

How to Be a Happy & Productive Worker Bee

Today I saw a quote that changed my life.  It was a job description that went something like, “You must have a long list of failures and at least as many strategies for bouncing back.” What kind of an employer would want to hire someone with a long list of failures? A highly successful one!… Read more »

AU-Thentic Events

CHAT with AU Library Tues, Apr 26, 10:30 am to 2:30 pm MDT Online Hosted by AU Library library.athabascau.ca/page/ann No pre-registration necessary; access through CHAT link on home page CHAT with AU Library Thur, Apr 28, 10:30 am to 2:30 pm MDT Online Hosted by AU Library library.athabascau.ca/page/ann No pre-registration necessary; access through CHAT link… Read more »

AUSU Update

This update is provided to The Voice by AUSU. Contact ausu@ausu.org with questions.   In the latest Executive Blog, VP Finance & Administration Leah Campbell talks about the importance of in-text citations, what plagiarism is, and how to avoid it. Writing assignments are part of the academic experience, so knowing where to go for guidance… Read more »

Scholarship of the Week

Scholarship name:  Emmy Duff Scholarship Sponsored by:  Emmy Duff Scholarship Foundation Deadline:  May 27, 2022 Potential payout:  $2000 Eligibility restriction:  Applicants must be residents of, and currently residing in, Canada; have undergone treatment, or are currently being treated, for cancer; and are currently attending or will be attending a Canadian university or college program for… Read more »