Vol. 30 Iss. 03

Volume 30, Issue 3 - 01/21/2022

Minds We Meet—Sabina

Who are your fellow students?  It can feel like you are all alone in your studies, but across the nation, around the globe, students like you are also pursuing their AU education, and The Voice Magazine wants to bring their stories to you.  If you would like to be featured next, do not hesitate to… Read more »

Beyond Literary Landscapes—Poetry: Part 1

From my early beginnings as a young introvert, the public library has always been a bit of a refuge.  Years later, not much has changed, albeit with an additional affinity for endless hours spent scouring second-hand bookstores to add to my ever-growing “to-read” pile. From one bookworm to another, this column will be underscoring and… Read more »

This is not a COVID Article.

This is not a COVID article.  Computer algorithms may spot a key word, like teachers who spot head lice on children, but this article isn’t about words.  And it’s not about parasites, per se.  Remember when a phrase like gut fauna might have turned tummies?  Well, truth is, it is the representative weeds, er, wee… Read more »

Local Shout-Out—Vernon, British Columbia

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) estimates potential permanent closures of up to 222,000 small and medium-sized businesses, depending on how the situation evolves.  That’s 21 percent of all Canadian businesses.  The corresponding job losses would range between 962,000 and 2,951,000 Canadian workers. While most of us are struggling financially right now,… Read more »

Dear Barb—Tune Changing

Dear Barb: Hi, I have a dilemma.  I chose not to get vaccinated from Covid.  I must admit I bought into the conspiracy theories.  I did not think the virus was anything serious and that it would eventually just disappear as Donald Trump said.  However now we are into three years, and it is not… Read more »

Editorial—Getting in the Research Game

You may have heard that the bachelor’s degree is the high school diploma of the modern world.  And given that Canada is the nation with the highest rate of people with some post-secondary credential around the world, there may be some truth to that. So how do you distinguish yourself among all the others, if… Read more »

Five Traits Women Desire in A Valentine’s Man

I saw an ad today that asked, “What are the five traits women find sexy in a man?” The woman announcer, who wore a low-cut blouse, then said, “The first trait is confidence.” She flipped her hair and requested I click on the button, which I did. But I know confidence isn’t a universally desired… Read more »

Machine Learning Bias—An Excuse To Avoid Accountability

Racist.  Discrimination.  These are words that get slapped on to artificial intelligence programs that are identified as being biased in their outcomes against different groups.  In the tech world, the term used for these outcomes is machine learning bias and it is defined as a phenomenon that occurs when an algorithm produces results that are… Read more »

What It Is Like Travelling During COVID

One of the most stressful, but also fascinating, experiences in 2021 was traveling amidst the pandemic.  I know I might get a lot of hate for this post, but I wanted to share what some of my experiences have been like.  I also know that while avoiding travel is highly recommended at this time, there… Read more »

Homemade is Better—Saskatoon Bannock

Well, it’s another week and another new edition of Voice Magazine.  I made this recipe last year and shared the finished product with my neighbour, Paul.  I must brag about how fantastic my neighbour is.  He might not think he is, but he’s pretty awesome!  Paul and his family share an alley with us.  He’s… Read more »

How To Get Inspired

To be inspired, you first need to believe you have no limitations. Your perceived limitations are all lies.  If someone tells you that you can’t achieve a (moral) dream, they’ve just told you a lie. Everyone has perceived limitations.  One senior with a chronic disease whom I know is in forced poverty from her senior’s… Read more »

Music Review—Black Sheep

Artist: Still Insane Album: Black Sheep Formed in 2006, Still Insane is a punk rock band from Quebec City.  According to them, their goal is simple: to play fast, to play loud, and to play everywhere.  The band’s latest EP, Black Sheep, will be released on February 4th, 2022.  Meanwhile, the title track “Black Sheep”… Read more »

Scholarship of the Week

Scholarship name:  Kin Canada Bursaries Sponsored by:  Kin Canada Deadline:  February 1, 2022 Potential payout:  $1000 Eligibility restriction:  Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, and be planning to register as a full-time student in the 2022-2023 academic year at a recognized post-secondary institution. What’s required:  A completed application form (submitted to your nearest… Read more »

Vintage Voice

You’d almost think we were making these up (we’re not), but January 21 is Squirrel Appreciation Day.  Truly.  A good opportunity to learn all about the furry critters, and delve into some interesting articles from The Voice‘s vault. Everything sounds like a bear when you’re lost in the woods.  Nola Newitt and her family get… Read more »

AU-Thentic Events

Research Week:  an evening with Dr Andrew Perrin Wed, Jan 26, 5:00 to 6:00 pm MST Online Hosted by AUSU www.ausu.org/event/research-week-an-evening-with-dr-andrew-perrin/ RSVP through above link The Power of Relationships: Why Mentorship Matters Thur, Jan 27, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm MST Online Hosted by AU, Ten Thousand Coffees, and RBC news.athabascau.ca/events/the-power-of-relationships-why-mentorship-matters/ Register through above link… Read more »

Student Sizzle—AU Social Media

AthaU Facebook Group Examining options.  One student (at least) has lost track of what exams can be written how and with whom.  Fortunately others are up on what’s up with exams and share the current options. reddit Seeking alternatives.  A student bemoans the lack of video lectures at AU and asks for tips on other… Read more »