The Voice Magazine recently had a chance to chat with Roxan Foursha (she/her) from Rosetown, Saskatchewan. Roxan is currently enrolled “the last few classes before obtaining [her] Bachelor of Professional Arts – Communications Major.” She related, “It’s been a long journey but I’m almost there.” On a personal note, Roxan is “a 42-year-old, currently Marketing… Read more »
Volume 30, Issue 32 - 08/19/2022
From my early beginnings as a young introvert, the public library has always been a bit of a refuge. Years later, not much has changed, albeit with an additional affinity for endless hours spent scouring second-hand bookstores to add to my ever-growing “to-read” pile. From one bookworm to another, this column will be underscoring and… Read more »
Who is the you that makes your choices yours? AU lets us put our option muscles to work in a big way; these decisions embody our personal agency. We exercise agency each time we prioritize our individual studies over calls for attention in our private and work lives. To have agency is to have a… Read more »
Artist: OBSERVE THE 93RD Album: an eeriness to everything Alt-Rock duo OBSERVE THE 93RD have released their new album, an eeriness to everything. The album is available for streaming anywhere you get your music. Hailing from Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, the band is comprised of vocalist and guitarist, Derek Henry, and drummer, Dylan Zepp. According to the… Read more »
August 25th is the next AUSU Council meeting, and it’s going to be a large one. Having not met in July, this meeting includes the details of AUSU’s next budget, as well as the executive work plans and another look at the terms of reference for the indigenous circle. If some of this sounds like… Read more »
Given the recent chaos in the airports and with flight bookings, it might be worth our while to stay in our own cities and towns for the rest of summer. Although I had plans to visit the US this summer, I’ve opted instead to spend most of my summer here, in Calgary, Alberta. Despite being… Read more »
I watched a near-death experience story a moment ago where a person died temporarily and reported seeing heaven. In that heavenly realm, she was granted wisdom. First, she asked, “Why are we here?” The answer was, “To learn.” And she then asked, “What is our purpose?” and the answer was, “To love.” It was so… Read more »
Menopause can be a difficult health challenge for women. It’s when the women’s menstrual cycle—how the body prepares women for pregnancy—has essentially stopped for 12 months and not produced a menstrual period. The cycle itself repeats about every 28 days and continues until menopause at a certain age, usually when the woman is above the… Read more »
Once you discover what you love doing, do it for the rest of your life. Don’t listen to the naysayers who argue that there is no such thing as a passion-filled life—that there’s just discipline. Those people merely haven’t found their passion yet. There are different ways to discover your passions. For example, you could… Read more »
Scholarship name: Canadian Western Agribition Scholarship Sponsored by: Canadian Western Agribition (CWA) Deadline: October 1, 2022 Potential payout: $2500 Eligibility restriction: Applicants must be in their second or subsequent year of a post-secondary education program, be passionate about agriculture, and have participated in CWA. See full eligibility requirements. What’s required: An online application form including… Read more »
World Photography Day is every August 19. Smartphones have encouraged everyone to try their hand at taking more photos, and we’ve dug up some articles to inspire you. The best time to begin is always now. Barbara Lehtiniemi describes how her photo-a-day project advanced her photo-taking skills. “The project has prompted me to become more… Read more »
AU Library catalogue upgrade Tues, Aug 23, 9 am to 3 pm MDT Scheduled system outage AU Library There will be no access to the AU library catalogue, databases and subscription resources for about 6 hours from 9:00 MT, due to a system upgrade. AUSU Chats With Accessibility Services Wed, Aug 24, 5:00 to 6:00… Read more »
AthaU Facebook Group Supplemental confusion. A student wonders why the grade for a completed course shows as finalized before a scheduled supplemental exam has been written. Responses assure this is normal, and the grade will be updated once the supplemental is written and marked. Discord You say to-mah-to. Now that the spat between AB and… Read more »
There are many complex and urgent problems facing rural Canada that require interdisciplinary, intersectoral, and diverse solutions. We invite you to be part of conversations on four key issues: rural housing, rural health and well-being, attracting immigrants to and building inclusive rural communities, and rural digital equity. Sessions will highlight what can be adapted to support rural… Read more »